Browsing by Author "IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section"
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Item IFLA Bibliotēku statistikas manifests(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-04) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Kazāka, IneseDokumenta rašanos iniciēja Starptautiskās bibliotēku asociāciju un institūciju federācijas (IFLA) prezidente (2007−2009) Klaudija Luksa (Claudia Lux) statistikas sekcijas konferencē Monreālā 2008.gada augustā. Galvenā ideja bija izveidot oficiālu dokumentu, kas atklātu bibliotēku statistikas nozīmību un apliecinātu bibliotēku vērtību lasītājiem un sabiedrībai. Statistiskie dati nepieciešami ne vien bibliotēku pārvaldībai, bet arī plašākam izmantojumam. Prezentējot tos politikas veidotājiem, finansētājinstitūcijām vai plašai sabiedrībai, iespējams ietekmēt stratēăisko plānošanu, veidot un stiprināt ticamību bibliotēkām.Item IFLA Library Statistics Manifesto(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2010-08) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation SectionThe initiative for this document was taken by IFLA President Claudia Lux at the Section's conference in Montréal, Canada in August 2008. The idea is to have a certified document about the importance of library statistics, as they demonstrate the value that libraries provide to their users and to society. Statistical data are indispensable for the internal management of libraries, but they can do more. When presented to policy makers, funding institutions or the general public, they will influence the strategic planning, and they can create and maintain confidence in libraries. Endorsed by the IFLA Governing Board, 9 April 2010Item IFLA Manifest Bibliotheksstatistik(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2010-12) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Schult, Katja; Wimmer, UllaDieses Dokument geht auf eine Initiative der IFLA-Präsidentin Claudia Lux bei der Sitzung der IFLA-Sektion „Statistics and Evaluation“ in Montreal (August 2008) zurück. Ziel war es, ein abgestimmtes Dokument zur Bedeutung von Bibliotheksstatistiken zu verabschieden, da diese den Wert aufzeigen, den Bibliotheken für ihre Nutzer und die Gesellschaft erbringen. Statistische Daten sind für die interne Leitung einer Bibliothek unabdingbar, aber sie leisten darüber hinaus noch mehr. Werden Statistiken der Politik, Trägerinstitutionen oder der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit präsentiert, können sie die strategische Planung beeinflussen und Vertrauen in Bibliotheken schaffen und erhalten.Item IFLA:n Kirjastotilastomanifesti(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-02) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Laitinen, Markku; Saarti, Jarmo; Rasinkangas, Päivi; Seppänen, Antti‐PekkaIFLAn (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) presidentti Claudia Lux teki aloitteen tämän dokumentin laatimiseksi Montréalissa elokuussa 2008 pidetyn IFLA:n ti-lastojaoksen (Statistics and Evaluation Section) kongressin yhteydessä. Ajatuksena oli tuottaa virallinen dokumentti, jossa kerrotaan kirjastotilastojen tärkeydestä. Niiden avulla osoitetaan sitä arvoa, jota kirjastot tuovat käyttäjilleen ja yhteiskunnalle. Tilastotieto on välttämätöntä kirjaston johtamisessa, mutta sen avulla voidaan saavuttaa enemmänkin. Päättäjille, rahoittajille tai suurelle yleisölle esitettynä tilastotiedolla on vaikutusta strategiseen suunnitteluun ja sen avulla voidaan luoda ja pitää yllä luottamusta kirjastolaitokseen.Item Il Manifesto delle statistiche in biblioteca(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-10) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Gobello, MicheleL'iniziativa per la pubblicazione di questo documento è stata presa dall'allora Presidente Claudia Lux durante la conferenza di Sezione a Montréal (agosto 2008). Lo scopo è quello di avere a disposizione un documento ufficiale sull'importanza delle statistiche nella vita della biblioteca. Infatti le statistiche dimostrano il valore di quanto le biblioteche offrono agli utenti e alla società in generale. I dati statistici sono indispensabili per la gestione interna delle biblioteche, ma non solo. Sottoposti all'esame dell'autorità politica, dei finanziatori o dell’opinione pubblica, questi dati saranno determinanti per la pianificazione di strategie operative e potranno generare e mantenere alta la fiducia nei confronti delle biblioteche.Item Library Statistics for the 21st Century World - Proceedings of the conference held in Montréal on 18-19 August 2008 reporting on the Global Library Statistics Project(K. G. Saur, 2009) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Heaney, Michael; Koopman, SjoerdAn international collaboration between IFLA, the UNESCO Institute of Statistics and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed standards for new library indicators for the twenty-first century. The existing international library statistics were developed nearly 40 years ago. This book presents the first results using the new statistics, and look forward to the next steps. It also contains other initiatives and developments in the fields of library statistics, benchmarking and indicators. (Open access since 14 August 2011)Item Manifest IFLA o štatistike knižníc(Slovak Librarians Association, 2012-05) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Stasselová, SilviaThe initiative for this document was taken by IFLA President Claudia Lux at the Section's conference in Montréal, Canada in August 2008. The idea is to have a certified document about the importance of library statistics, as they demonstrate the value that libraries provide to their users and to society. Statistical data are indispensable for the internal management of libraries, but they can do more. When presented to policy makers, funding institutions or the general public, they will influence the strategic planning, and they can create and maintain confidence in libraries. Endorsed by the IFLA Governing Board, 9 April 2010.Item Manifest IFLA o statystyce bibliotecznej(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2012-05) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Grabowska, HannaZ inicjatywą sporządzenia niniejszego dokumentu wystąpiła przewodnicząca IFLA Claudia Lux, na konferencji Sekcji Statystyki IFLA w Montrealu w sierpniu 2008 roku. Celem, jaki przyświecał twórcom Manifestu było ustanowienie oficjalnego dokumentu na temat roli statystyki bibliotecznej jako narzędzia ukazującego znaczenie bibliotek zarówno dla ich użytkowników jak i całego społeczeństwa. Dane statystyczne są niezbędne do zarządzania bibliotekami, ale ich użyteczność jest o wiele większa. Przedstawienie ich politykom, instytucjom finansującym czy opinii publicznej, może mieć wpływ na planowanie strategiczne oraz zdobywanie i podtrzymywanie zaufania do bibliotek.Item Manifest IFLA per les estadístiques(Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, 2011-09) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya; Generalitat de Catalunya; Diputació de Barcelona; UNESCO Centre of Catalonia (Unescocat)The initiative for this document was taken by IFLA President Claudia Lux at the Section's conference in Montréal, Canada in August 2008. The idea is to have a certified document about the importance of library statistics, as they demonstrate the value that libraries provide to their users and to society. Statistical data are indispensable for the internal management of libraries, but they can do more. When presented to policy makers, funding institutions or the general public, they will influence the strategic planning, and they can create and maintain confidence in libraries. Endorsed by the IFLA Governing Board, 9 April 2010.Item Manifest o knjižničnoj statistici(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-05) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Petr Balog, KornelijaNastanak ovog dokumenta potaknula je tadašnja IFLA‐ina predsjednica Claudia Lux, na sastanku Sekcije za knjižničnu statistiku u Montrealu ( u kolovozu 2008. godine ). Željelo se potaknuti sastavljanje službenog dokumenta o važnosti knjižnične statistike, budući da ona svjedoči o vrijednosti koju knjižnice pružaju svojim korisnicima i društvu u cjelini. Statistički su podaci nezamjenjivi u upravljanju knjižničnim procesima, ali i više od toga. Kada se prezentiraju donositeljima političkih odluka, kreatorima knjižnične politike, financijerima ili široj javnosti, statistički podaci mogu utjecati na strateško planiranje, a istovremeno mogu stvoriti i održati povjerenje u knjižnice.Item Manifest za bibliotečku statistiku(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-01) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Ljubanović, GordanaInicijativa za izradu ovog dokumenta potekla je od tadašnje predsednice IFLA-e, Klaudije Luks, na konferenciji Sekcije za statistiku i evaluaciju u Montrealu (2008.).1 Zamisao je da se dobije proveren tekst o važnosti bibliotečke statistike, jer ona pokazuje vrednost koju biblioteke pružaju svojim korisnicima i društvu. Statistički podaci su nezamenjivi za tekuće upravljanje bibliotekama, ali mogu služiti još mnogo čemu. Kad se predstave onima koji odreñuju politiku, ili pak javnosti, obezbeñuju novčana sredstva; takoñe će verovatno uticati na strateško planiranje i doprineti stvaranju i održavanju poverenja u biblioteke.Item Manifeste pour les statistiques en bibliothèque(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-01) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation SectionClaudia Lux, durant sa présidence de l’IFLA, a pris l’initiative de ce document lors de la conférence de la section à Montréal (août 2008). L’idée est d’avoir un document validé sur l’importance des statistiques en bibliothèque comme démonstration de l’utilité des bibliothèques pour leurs usagers et la société. Les données statistiques sont indispensables à la gestion interne des bibliothèques, mais leur utilité va au delà. Lorsqu’elles sont présentées aux décideurs, aux tutelles ou au grand public, elles influent sur la planification stratégique et contribuent au développement et au maintien de la confiance dans les bibliothèquesItem Manifesto da IFLA sobre estatísticas de bibliotecas(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2017-06) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation SectionEste documento surge da iniciativa de Claudia Lux, então presidente da IFLA, aquando da conferência da Secção [de Estatísticas e Avaliação] em Montreal (agosto de 2008). A sua intenção é a de disponibilizar um documento oficial sobre a importância das estatísticas de bibliotecas, uma vez que estas demostram o valor das bibliotecas para os seus utilizadores e para a sociedade. A informação estatística é indispensável para a gestão interna das bibliotecas mas pode servir para muito mais. Quando apresentada aos decisores políticos, às entidades financiadoras ou ao público em geral, pode influenciar o planeamento estratégico e pode criar e manter a confiança nas bibliotecas.Item Manifiesto por las estadísticas(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2010-10) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation SectionEste documento fue promovido por la entonces Presidenta Claudia Lux en la conferencia de la Sección en Montreal (Agosto de 2008). La idea era la de tener un documento aprobado que hablara de la importancia de las estadísticas bibliotecarias, ya que demuestran el valor que las bibliotecas suponen para sus usuarios y para la sociedad en general. Los datos estadísticos son indispensables para la gestión interna de las bibliotecas pero pueden ser algo más. Cuando se presentan a los responsables de las políticas, a las instituciones que financian las bibliotecas o al público en general, influyen en la planificación estratégica, y pueden crear y mantener la confianza en las bibliotecas.Item Measuring Quality : Performance Measurement in Libraries 2nd revised edition(K. G. Saur, 2007) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Poll, Roswitha; Boekhorst, Peter te; Koopman, SjoerdThe first edition of this handbook appeared in 1996 and dealt with academic libraries. It gained wide acceptance and was translated into five other languages. After ten years, this new edition widens the perspective to include public libraries and adds indicators for electronic services and cost-effectiveness. It offers a set of 40 such indicators and provides practical help by describing sampling and surveying procedures and by giving examples for each indicator. The Handbook is intended as a practical instrument for the evaluation of library services. Although it aims specifically at academic and public libraries, most indicators will also apply to all other types of libraries. (Open access since 14 August 2011)Item Μανιφέστο της IFLA για τις Στατιστικές μελέτες των βιβλιοθηκών(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-01) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Petropoulou, KaterinaΗ πρωτοβουλία για αυτό το έγγραφο ελήφθη από την τότε Πρόεδρο της IFLA Claudia Lux στη διάσκεψη του τμήματος στο Montreal (Αύγουστος 2008). Η ιδέα είναι να έχουμε ένα πιστοποιημένο έγγραφο σχετικά με την σπουδαιότητα των στατιστικών της βιβλιοθήκης, καθώς αποδεικνύουν την αξία που οι βιβλιοθήκες εξασφαλίζουν στους χρήστες τους και στην κοινωνία. Τα στατιστικά δεδομένα είναι απαραίτητα για την εσωτερική διαχείριση των βιβλιοθηκών, αλλά μπορούν να κάνουν περισσότερα. Όταν παρουσιάζονται στους υπευθύνους που χαράζουν την πολιτική, , στα ιδρύματα χρηματοδότησης ή στο ευρύ κοινό, επηρεάσουν τον Στρατηγικό σχεδιασμό και μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν και να διατηρήσουν την εμπιστοσύνη στις βιβλιοθήκες.Item Измерване на качеството в библиотеките: оценяване на ефективността(Bulgarian Library and Information Association (BLIA), 2011-12) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Poll, Roswitha; Boekhorst, Peter te; Koopman, Sjoerd; Georgiev, Asen; Doncheva, Aneta; Mireva, EvgeniaThe first edition of this handbook appeared in 1996 and dealt with academic libraries. It gained wide acceptance and was translated into five other languages. After ten years, this new edition widens the perspective to include public libraries and adds indicators for electronic services and cost-effectiveness. It offers a set of 40 such indicators and provides practical help by describing sampling and surveying procedures and by giving examples for each indicator. The Handbook is intended as a practical instrument for the evaluation of library services. Although it aims specifically at academic and public libraries, most indicators will also apply to all other types of libraries.Item Манифест за библиотечната статистика(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-02) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation SectionИнициативата за създаване на този документ е подета от г-жа Клаудия Лукс, Президент на ИФЛА, през август 2008 г. на конференцията на Секцията по статистика в Монреал. Основната идея е да разполагаме с официално становище за важността на библиотечната статистика, тъй като тя демонстрира значимостта на библиотеките за потребителите и цялото общество. Статистическите данни са незаменим инструмент за вътрешното управление на библиотеките, но могат да имат и по-широко въздействие, когато се представят пред политици, финансиращи институции или широката публика; могат да влияят на стратегическото планиране; да създават и поддържат доверие в библиотеките.Item Манифест ИФЛА о библиотечной статистике(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2010-10) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation SectionИнициатива создания этого документа принадлежит Клаудии Люкс, которая выступила с ней на конференции Секции в Монреале, в августе 2008 года (Клаудиа Люкс была в то время Президентом ИФЛА). Главная идея – иметь официальный документ о важности библиотечной статистики, поскольку она демонстрирует значимость библиотек для библиотечных пользователей и общества в целом. Данные статистики необходимы для управления библиотеками, но их значение шире. Предоставленные политикам, финансирующим организациям или обществу в целом, они окажут влияние на стратегическое планирование и смогут создать атмосферу доверия к библиотекам и поддерживать ее.Item بيانيه آمارهاي كتابخان هاي(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2017-05) IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section; Hassanzadeh, MaryamThe initiative for this document was taken by IFLA President Claudia Lux at the Section's conference in Montréal, Canada in August 2008. The idea is to have a certified document about the importance of library statistics, as they demonstrate the value that libraries provide to their users and to society. Statistical data are indispensable for the internal management of libraries, but they can do more. When presented to policy makers, funding institutions or the general public, they will influence the strategic planning, and they can create and maintain confidence in libraries. Endorsed by the IFLA Governing Board, 9 April 2010.