Browsing by Author "Irvall, Birgitta"
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Item Accés a biblioteques per a persones amb discapacitat - Pautes(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2016-11) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Direcció General d’Arxius, Biblioteques, Museus i Patrimoni. Servei de BibliotequesIn many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs. This checklist – developed by the IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) – is designed as a practical tool for all types of libraries (public, academic, school, special) to 1) assess existing levels of accessibility to buildings, services, materials and programs and to 2) enhance accessibility where needed. Accessibility needs of library staff are beyond the scope of this document.Item Accés a biblioteques per a persones amb discapacitat - Pautes(Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, 2016-11) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Direcció General d’Arxius, Biblioteques, Museus i Patrimoni. Servei de BibliotequesIn many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs.Item Access to libraries for persons with disabilities - CHECKLIST(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2005-07) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP)In many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs. This checklist – developed by the IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) – is designed as a practical tool for all types of libraries (public, academic, school, special) to 1) assess existing levels of accessibility to buildings, services, materials and programs and to 2) enhance accessibility where needed. Accessibility needs of library staff are beyond the scope of this document.Item Directives pour les Services de Bibliothèques aux personnes dyslexiques(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2004-02) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, BirgittaThe Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item Directrices para los Servicios Bibliotecarios dirigidos a Personas con Dislexia(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2004-02) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, BirgittaThe Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item Engelliler için kütüphanelere erişim - KONTROL LİSTESİ(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2022-10-04) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Ekici, Selda; Yılmaz, BülentDünyadaki birçok ülkede, engelli kullanıcıların kütüphaneleri kullanmak için erişimi henüz mevcut değildir ve hatta kullanmaları beklenmemektedir. Tüm kütüphane kullanıcılarına eşit fırsatlar sağlamak için kütüphane binalarının fiziksel koşulları yanı sıra, kütüphane hizmet ve programlarına da engelli kullanıcı gruplarının gözüyle bakmak gerekir. IFLA Dezavantajlı Kişilere Hizmet Veren Kütüphaneler Daimi Komitesi (LSDP) tarafından geliştirilen ve her tür kütüphane (kamu, akademik, okul, özel) için uygulanabilir bir araç olarak tasarlanan bu kontrol listesi; 1) binalara, hizmetlere, materyallere ve programlara mevcut erişilebilirlik düzeylerini değerlendirmek ve 2) gerektiğinde erişilebilirliği artırmak için kullanılabilir. Kütüphane personelinin erişilebilirlik gereksinimleri bu belgenin kapsamı dışındadır.Item Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2004-03) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, BirgittaThe IFLA Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item L'accessibilité des bibliothèques aux personnes handicapées - CHECKLIST(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2012-10) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); André, François Xavier; Andissac, Marie-NoëlleDans de nombreux pays, partout dans le monde, l’accès des usagers handicapés aux bibliothèques n’est pas encore assuré, ni même envisagé. Afin de mettre à disposition une offre équivalente pour tous les utilisateurs des bibliothèques, il est nécessaire d’examiner avec les yeux de ces groupes d’usagers les caractéristiques des bâtiments tout autant que les services et la programmation des bibliothèques.Item Richtlinien für das Bibliothekswesen zur Unterstützung von Legasthenikern(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2005-10) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, BirgittaThe Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item Smernice za dostop do knjižnic za uporabnike z oviranostmi – kontrolni seznam(Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije, 2015-08) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Mrak, NinaIn many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs. This checklist – developed by the IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) – is designed as a practical tool for all types of libraries (public, academic, school, special) to 1) assess existing levels of accessibility to buildings, services, materials and programs and to 2) enhance accessibility where needed. Accessibility needs of library staff are beyond the scope of this document.Item Smernice za knjižnične storitve za osebe z disleksijo(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2008-12) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, Birgitta; Sešek, Irena; Novljan, SilvaThe Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item Zugang zu Bibliotheken für Menschen mit Behinderungen - Prüfliste(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2006-04) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Dittmer, ElkeIn vielen Ländern der Welt ist der Zugang für Nutzer mit Behinderungen nicht gewährleistet oder wird gar nicht erwartet. Um allen Nutzern die gleichen Möglichkeiten zu geben, ist es notwendig, mit den Augen dieser Nutzergruppen den Zugang zu dem Bibliotheksgebäude, dem Service und dem Bibliotheksangebot zu betrachten. Diese Prüfliste – erarbeitet vom Ständigen Ausschuss der Sektion der Bibliotheken für benachteiligte Personen (LSDP) – ist als praktische Anleitung für alle Bibliotheksformen (Öffentliche, Akademische, Schul- und Spezial-Bibliotheken) gedacht um 1. die bestehende Zugänglichkeit zum Gebäude, Service, Angebot und Programm zu prüfen und 2. um die Zugänglichkeit zu verbessern. Mögliche Maßnahmen für Biblitoheksmitarbeiter mit Behinderungen werden in diesem Dokument nicht berücksichtigt.Item Πρόσβαση σε βιβλιοθήκες από άτομα με αναπηρίες - ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΩΝ(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2018-04) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP)In many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs. This checklist – developed by the IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) – is designed as a practical tool for all types of libraries (public, academic, school, special) to 1) assess existing levels of accessibility to buildings, services, materials and programs and to 2) enhance accessibility where needed. Accessibility needs of library staff are beyond the scope of this document.Item Πρόσβαση σε βιβλιοθήκες από άτομα με αναπηρίες - ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΩΝ(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2018-04) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Chryssafi, LoukiaIn many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs.Item Руководство по библиотечному обслуживанию лиц, cтрадающих дислексией(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2003-05) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, BirgittaThe Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item التعليمات الإرشادية الخاصة بالخدمات المكتبية للمتعسرين في الق ا رءة(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-10) IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged persons; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Irvall, Birgitta; Arab Federation for Libraries & Information (AFLI)The Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dyslexia aim to offer guidance to IFLA professional units and all its members worldwide on developing and implementing library services to persons with dyslexia.Item الولوج لمكتبات الأشخاص ذوي العاهات(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-10) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP)In many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs. This checklist – developed by the IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) – is designed as a practical tool for all types of libraries (public, academic, school, special) to 1) assess existing levels of accessibility to buildings, services, materials and programs and to 2) enhance accessibility where needed. Accessibility needs of library staff are beyond the scope of this document.Item الولوج لمكتبات الأشخاص ذوي العاهات قائمة م ا رجعة(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-10) Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Arab Federation for Libraries & Information (AFLI)لايوجد في العديد من بلدانالعالم حتى اليوم،اهتمام بتردد الزبائن من ذوي العاهات على المكتبات،وليس هناك مايدل على تغيرهذا الوضع حتى الآن. انه من أجل توفير فرص متساوية لجميع المستفيدين من المكتبات، يكون من الضروري النظر لمجموعات الزبائن عبر الظروف الفيزيائية لمباني المكتبات،كذا عبر الخدمات و البرامج.Item විශේෂ අවශ්යතා සහිත පුද්ගලයන් සඳහා පුස්තකාල පුවේශය - පිරික්සුම් ලැයිස්තුව(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2022-04) IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP); Irvall, Birgitta; Skat Nielsen, Gyda; Koralage, Hasitha; Kodituwakku, UpekshaIn many countries all over the world, access for patrons with disabilities to use libraries is not yet available or even expected. In order to provide equal opportunities for all library users, it is necessary to look with the eyes of these patron groups at the physical condition of library buildings, as well as library services and programs. This checklist – developed by the IFLA Standing Committee of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons (LSDP) – is designed as a practical tool for all types of libraries (public, academic, school, special) to 1) assess existing levels of accessibility to buildings, services, materials and programs and to 2) enhance accessibility where needed. Accessibility needs of library staff are beyond the scope of this document.