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The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the global voice of libraries, representing the interests of the profession and working to improve services worldwide.
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Item Edinburgh Resolution: a proposal for the establishment of an International Library & Bibliographical Committee [1927](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1927-09-30) International Library and Bibliographical CommitteeFull text of IFLA's founding document from 30 September 1927 that states: "We, the undersigned representatives of National Library Associations, in conference at Edinburgh, 30th Sept. 1927 adopt the following resolution with the understanding that neither this action nor any action which may hereafter be taken by the Committee shall be binding on any national library association until ratified by the association. Resolved that we hereby establish the International Library and Bibliographical Committee." First published in Actes du Comite International des Bibliotheques 1. Uppsala 1931, pp. 13–15, the resolution would serve as the basis for the first IFLA Statutes in 1929.Item Letter from Isak Collijn to Tietse Pieter Sevensma [1927](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1927-10-13) Collijn, Isak; International Library and Bibliographical Committee13 October 1927 letter from Isak Gustaf Alfred Collijn, Chief Librarian of the Royal Library, Stockholm and Chair of the just-established "International Library Bibliographic Committee", to Tietse Pieter Sevensma, then Director of the Library of the League of Nations. Collijn asks Sevensma if he would be interested in serving as "secretary of the Executive Committee" of the International Library and Bibliographical Committee [later the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions). An early draft of the so-called "Edinburgh Resolution" which established IFLA on 30 September 1927, is included.Item Le congrès mondial des bibliothèques : Rome, Venise, 15-30 juin 1929([s.n.], 1929) Godet, MarcelFrench language summary of the 1929 World Congress of Libraries and Bibliography by Marcel Godet, Director of the Swiss National Library. "Extrait du Musée Gütenberg suisse, 1929, n° 3." [Offprint]Item International Federation of Library Associations Statutes [1929](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1929-06-29) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Discussed during the second meeting of IFLA's Second Plenary Session in Florence, Italy on 25 June 1929, the first IFLA Statutes were presented and formally adopted at the IFLA General Assembly of the Congress in Venice on 29 June 1929.Item Il primo Congresso mondiale delle biblioteche e di bibliografia, 1929 [Programme](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1929-08) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Five-language (Italian, French, English, German, Spanish) programme for the first World Congress of Libraries and Bibliography - Rome, Venice, 15-30 June 1929. "...[the congress] was attended by 880 libraries and librarians from 35 countries, and by a delegate of the League of Nations. The conference was divided into 16 sections in which were discussed technical issues, professional issues and reports of international cooperation." [Mauro Guerrini and Antonio Speciale]Item 3rd Session of the IFLA Council, 20-21 August 1930, Stockholm, Sweden [group photograph and seating plan](Häggströms, Stockholm, 1930-08-20) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Bordsplan — Fédération Internationale des Associations de bibliothécaires : conférence de stockholm - 20-21 août 1930 [3º session du comité international des Bibliothèques : dîner au grand restaurant de l'exposition, Stockholm, 20 août 1930] « Du 20-22 août 1930 s'est tenue à Stockholm, au Palais du Parlement Suédois (Riksdagshuset), et à Uppsala 3º session du Comité international des Bibliothèques. Quarante délégués et invités représentant 20 nations différentes y assistèrent. Le Secrétariat général de la Société des Nations ainsi que l'Institut International de Coopération intellectuelle étaient également représentés. Un des délégués italiens, S. Exc. P. S. LEICHT, a été empêché de joindre la Conférence au dernier mo- ment. Le gouvernement Suédois s'était fait représenter par M. le Dr. B. KNÖS, Secrétaire d'État au Ministère de l'Instruction Publique. » [Actes du Comité International des Bibliothèques: 3º session] 62 people attended the dinner, including delegates and their spouses.Item Figuras del II congreso internacional de bibliotecas y bibliografía [1935](Madrid [Spain] : N.M. Urgoiti, 1917-, 1935-05-28) El SolCaricatures of International Library Committee members at the 2nd World Congress of Libraries and Bibliography held in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain in May 1935. Caption reads: 'De izquierda a derecha [From left to right]: Levi, Leendertz, Leicht, doctor Hernando, Artigas, Mme. Derman, doctor Bishop, Seris, secretario internacional, Lasso de la Vega, secretario nacional; Godet, Collyn [sic], Tisserand, Kruss.' SOURCE: El sol [Newspaper] año XI.X—Núm. 5.541 - Martes 28 de mayo de 1935.Item 11th Session of the IFLA Council, 4–5 July 1938, Brussels, Belgium [group photograph](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1938-07) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Group photograph featuring delegates at the 11th Session of the IFLA Council, which took place from 4–5 July 1938 in Brussels, Belgium. Reproduced in the 'Actes du Comité international des bibliothèques, v. X'. "La onzième session du Comité international des Bibliothèques s'est tenue à la Fondation Universitaire de Bruxelles les 4 et 5 juillet 1938. Quarante-neuf délégués, représentant seize nations en plus du Secrétariat de la Société des Nations, de l'Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle et de la Fédération internationale de Documentation de La Haye, ont pris part à ses travaux." [Actes du Comité international des bibliothèques, v. X, p.3.]Item Comité consultatif pour la lecture des prisonniers et internés de guerre : rapport sur son activité [1951](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1951) Comité consultatif pour la lecture des prisonniers et internés de guerre; Breycha-Vauthier, Arthur"This body, set up in April 1940, to provide prisoners and internees with educational books and religious and recreative reading, represents the important international relief organizations having t heir headquarters in Switzerland (see inside of cover page for information concerning these organizations). Thus it has been made possible to carry out negotiations with belligerent powers for facilities necessary to further relief work, to exchange experiences, to avoid overlapping, whilst at the same time maintaining the essential independence of each of the organizations concerned. By this common effort the difficulties of censorship were overcome and it was possible to reduce the interval which intervened before the books collected from all over the world were finally made available to the individual prisoner. The Committee's work in the field of educational books, the book collection in France, the book drive in Switzerland and t he method of co-operation in all these fields set up here for the first time are also described. Without t his Consultative Committee the organizations would hardly have been able to develop t heir work and cope with the prisoners' hunger for reading, and bring about a healthier atmosphere with the aid of books and study facilities. Over 12 ½ million books and pamphlets were sent by the organization members of the Committee, together with 3 ½ million volumes specially edited by them to be distributed amongst prisoners. The experience gained during t his work has served to improve the facilities foreseen in t he Geneva Convention of 1949. A bibliography gives books in many languages which makes it possible to follow t he activities of t he various organizations in this field." [from the English Summary]Item International Federation of Library Associations Statutes [1952](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1952-09-26) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)3rd revision of the original 1929 IFLA Statutes, with amendments adopted at Stockholm, 20 August 1930, and at Copenhagen, 26 September 1952.Item IFLA—what it should be and do(De Gruyter Saur, 1954) Ranganathan, S. R."Stresses the need for Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, South America and Australasia being allowed positions pf responsibility in the IFLA. Gives illustrative lists of the possible spheres of action of the IFLA. Suggests organisational devices to make IFLA a truly international and effective body."Item 22nd Session of the IFLA Council, 3–4 September 1956, Munich, Germany [group photograph](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1956-09) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Group photograph featuring delegates at the 22nd Session of the IFLA Council, which took place from 3–4 September 1956 in Munich, Germany. Reproduced in the 'Actes du Comité international des bibliothèques, v. XXI'. "The [22nd] session was held in the building of the Technical High School [Technische Hochschule München]...the Council session opened on 3 September and was attended by 68 participants and 29 observers from 33 associations, representing 21 countries and 3 international bodies." [Libri 1957:vol. 7: no. 2- 3:pp. 187-216]Item Les bibliothèques dans le monde: programme à long terme pour la Fédération internationale des associations de bibliothécaires [1963](Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1963) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); Brummel, Leendert; Francis, FrankExtrait de l'introduction : « Il y a cinq ans la Fédération Internationale des Associations de Bibliothécaires n'était au fond qu'un rassemblement des bibliothécaires de l'Europe occidentale, avec quelques renforts aux Etats-Unis. Aujourd'hui c'est une organisation mondiale qui représente les bibliothèques de 52 pays. Il s'agit là de plus qu'une croissance naturelle: cela implique une révolution dans les responsabilités de la Fédération et une extension considérable de ses activités. Celles-ci, à leur tour, influent sur la structure même de l'organisation. La FIAB vient de renforcer son organisation interne par la création d'un secrétariat permanent; elle fera en même temps tout son possible pour décentraliser l'administration en créant des groupements régionaux d'associations de bibliothécaires. En ce qui concerne les activités de la Fédération, on a jugé utile d'ébaucher un programme pour les cinq à dix années à venir, et c'est ce programme qui est présenté dans les pages suivantes. » [Gustav Hofmann, président de la FIAB de 1958 à 1963]Item Libraries in the world : a long-term programme for the International Federation of Library Associations [1963](Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1963) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); Brummel, Leendert; Francis, FrankFrom the introduction: "Five years ago the International Federation of Library Associations was predominantly a forum for librarianship in Western Europe with some support from the United States. Now it is an organisation of world-wide scope representing libraries in 52 countries. This is something more than growth; it implies a radical change in responsibility and a considerable extension of activities. These, in turn, make an impact on the structure of the organisation itself. IFLA has reinforced its central position by establishing a permanent secretariat; it will also do its utmost to decentralise some of its functions by founding regional groups of library associations. With regard to the activities of the Federation, it seems desirable to outline a programme for the next five to ten years. It is this programme that is presented in the following pages." [Gustav Hofmann, IFLA President 1958-1963]Item IFLA and Its Future Policy(Association of College & Research Libraries, 1965-09) Brummel, LeendertThe article outlines IFLA's history as of 1965, including its establishment, growth, and the impact of World War II. Post-war, IFLA resumed activities but faced traditionalism and organizational challenges. Significant changes in the 1950s and 1960s included the formation of regional sections and special groups, and the need for a permanent secretary due to increased workload.Item Actes du comité international des bibliothèques et du conseil de la fiab : index cumulatif des matières sessions 1928-1964(Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1966) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); Thompson, Anthony; Randall, S.Proceedings of the International library committee and of the Council of IFLA : Cumulative subject index : Sessions 1928-1964, Volumes I-XXX, and IFLA Communications (LIBRI) 1951-1964 / International federation of library associationsItem Let's talk over the programme together [1966](International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1966) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)REVISED PROGRAMME: I.F.L.A. General Council / Conseil general de la F.I.A.B. 32. session, 1966 The Hague (Kurhaus, Scheveningen, Netherlands) Sept. 11 - Sept. 17, 1963Item Public libraries and the influence of IFLA, 1930-1960, with special reference to Lionel McColvin’s chairmanship of the Public Libraries Section(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1968) Thompson, AnthonyReport by Anthony Thompson, IFLA Secretary General 1962-1970, concerning IFLA's influence on public libraries throughout the world.Item On the origin of the international organization of librarians (IFLA): the Congress of Librarians in Prague, 1926(De Gruyter Saur, 1970) Málek, Rudolf28 June-3 July 1926: International Congress of Librarians and Friends of the Book [Prague, Czechoslovakia] "The recent visit of the President of IFLA, Mr. Herman Liebaers, the Director of the Royal Library in Brussels, initiated discussions concerning the present, the past and the future of IFLA - the International Federation of Librarians' Associations. The beginning of IFLA's activities was also remembered, the first concrete proposals to establish an institution which would take care of the development of international relations among libraries and create the necessary conditions for the mutual international co-operation of librarians. And it is with Prague and the association of Czech librarians of that time that these oldest memories of the IFLA are connected." [from the introduction]Item The International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA/FIAB), 1961-1970(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1970-09) Thompson, AnthonyTwo 5-year reports on activities and progress of IFLA, 1961-1965 and 1966-1970 written by Secretary General Anthony Thompson. Attention is paid to membership, international relations, governance and the work of IFLA's professional units.