CC BY 4.0IFLA Core Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC)IFLA Core Programme on Universal Availability of Publications (UAP)UNESCOGould, SaraEbdon, RichardVarlamoff, Marie-Thérèse2024-05-082000-082024-05-082000-08 the time of writing, a comprehensive worldwide listing of important digitised collections in libraries and other major cultural institutions does not exist. This has been recognised by UNESCO as a major gap in our knowledge and awareness of accessible cultural heritage collections, and a major worldwide survey on digitisation and preservation has now been undertaken in an effort to fill that gap. This report presents the results of that survey, and an analysis of the responses. The report provides a snapshot picture of the state of digitisation activity worldwide, and gives an indication of the rapid growth in this area in recent years.en and conservationSubject::DigitisationSubject::PreservationIFLA/UNESCO Survey on Digitisation and PreservationReportsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)