IFLA Public Libraries SectionStringer, Ian2021-05-062014-01-102021-05-062014-01https://repository.ifla.org/handle/20.500.14598/645The term Mobile Library is mainly used by British/Australian librarians. They use it to describe a motorised vehicle carrying library material. Other countries call these variously Bookmobile, Bibliobus, Bucherbus, etc. This document uses the term in its broadest sense. Any library service that does not stay in one place is classed as a Mobile Library. Mobile library services are essential to the Public Library Service and should be seen as an integral part of it. When planning library services to meet community needs, mobile library services should be considered early in the planning process as a viable and cost effective means to serve residents disadvantaged in terms of access to a static library.ptSubject::Mobile librariesSubject::Public librariesSubject::Public accessDiretrizes para Bibliotecas ItinerantesMobile Library GuidelinesFlagship PublicationsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)