CC BY 4.0IFLA Management of Library Associations Section Standing Committee2023-11-242023-11-212023-11-242023-11-21 MLAS Business Meeting welcomed Karin Bystrom, Division C Chair as a guest in the meeting. Among the matters discussed include report from the IFLA Governing Board; MLAS Action Plan ending in 2023; MLAS Annual Report 2023; IFLA WLIC MLAS Open Session in Rotterdam; MLAS Webinars Series" Sustainable Development Goals and Library Associations": MLAS Priorities 2023-2024; MLAS SC Mid-Term Meeting 2024; Co-opted Members for MLAS.en library associationsSubject::Library associationsSubject::Professional UnitsMinutes of Meeting: Management of Library Associations Section, 19 October 2023Minutes of MeetingsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)