CC BY 4.0Lujanac, AntonijaAdeyeye, Sophia2023-11-232023-11-232023-11-232023-11-23 are international projects co-founded by Erasmus+ program of the European Union and developed by organizations from Croatia, UK, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Lithuania. The poster presents how the school library in Croatia participated in the projects through the research and implementation into the school curriculum. The results are available by scanning the QR codes. Results of the project are the research, a professional paper, templates of community agreements, the teacher Toolkits and the multilingual OER. Topics of the projects are SDGs, STEM, sustainable entrepreneurship, civic education, collaboration with stakeholders, outdoor learning and Open Schooling as a modern concept in Europe.en, technology, engineering, and mathematicsSubject::EducationSubject::PartnershipsSubject::UN Sustainable Development GoalsExperimenta-OUTSIDE-CommEduEvents MaterialsAntonija LujanacSophia Adeyeye