Das, Anup KumarTripathi, ManoramaBaro, Emmanuel E.Nwabueze-Echedom, Anthonia U.Ambrosone, Ellen A.Ring, Laura A.Thacker, Mara L.Kolarić, AlicaElsawy, ElsayedShehata, AhmedDavis, Angela R.Diaz, Stephanie A.Hall, Russell A.Mirčeta Zakarija, MargitaUrem, IrenaSechi, GuidoŠķilters, JurģisSelecka, MartaKalnača, LīvaLeškēviča, KristaCyprian Ifeanyi, UgwuEjikeme, ANOladokun, OlugbadeMooko, Neo PatriciaJarusawat, PiyapatCox, Andrew M.Tyagi, SunilZakaria, Mahmoud SherifHussain, Syed TauseefBatool, Syeda Hinaur Rehman, AtaZahra, Syeda KiranMahmood, KhalidAkhshik, Somaye SadatBeglou, Reza RajabaliSaubert, ShannaCooper, LizWitt, Steve2023-03-072023-03-092023-03-072023-03-091745-2651https://repository.ifla.org/handle/20.500.14598/2540The March 2023 IFLA Journal features 15 articles, of which 12 represent original research and 3 offer reviews of important topics in the LIS field. The research in this issue represents widely the field and key areas of interest including topics such as the spread of misinformation, training the next generation of librarians through data science education, and the needs for continuing professional development. Also includes are important articles on preservation, collection building and public libraries. The review articles focus on prison libraries, crisis management, and the interdisciplinary literature of international education.enUK: Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, and only as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Acts 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the Publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction, in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency (www.cla.co.uk/). US: Authorization to photocopy journal material may be obtained directly from SAGE Publications or through a licence from the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (www.copyright.com/). Inquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to SAGE.https://journals.sagepub.com/page/policies/terms-of-useSubject::Open dataSubject::LibrarianshipSubject::Knowledge managementSubject::Professional developmentSubject::Academic and research librariesSubject::Preservation and conservationSubject::Prison librariesSubject::Knowledge sharingIFLA Journal. March 2023SerialsSAGE