CC BY 4.0Seeliger, FranckChang, MayChakarova, JujaCheung, HelenPuga, MariaBoffy, François-XavierRyu, Michelle2021-11-032019-12-172021-11-032019-12-17 issue is a special edition featuring a few personal reflections from delegates of IFLA WLIC 2019 in Athens, Greece as well as the 2019 Satellite Meeting in Wildau, Germany. These personal reflections are not only stories of their IFLA experiences but also stories of how conferences connect professionals, encourage knowledge sharing, and create new ideas in this day and age of technologies quickly shaping all areas of librarianship. Some of the discussion topics include artificial intelligence, robots, and big data in libraries.en technologySubject::Artificial intelligenceSubject::AutomationSubject::World Library and Information CongressTrends & Issues in Library Technology - December 2019TILT Newsletter - December 2019SerialsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)