CC BY 4.0UNESCOInternational Federation of Library Associations and InstitutionsJordan, LotharBanda, FacksonMcGuire, Claire2023-05-022023-05-032023-05-022023-05-03 Press Freedom Day (3 May) acts as a reminder of the importance of respecting commitments to freedom of the press. It calls for reflection on how these freedoms were achieved, evaluation of the current state of press freedom around the world, and remembrance of those journalists who have lost their lives in pursuit of providing access to information. This Special Edition of the Memory of the World Sub-committee on Education and Research (SCEaR) Newsletter, created in partnership between UNESCO and IFLA, explores the history of press freedom through documentary heritage.en heritageSubject::Cultural heritageSubject::Cultural rightsSubject::Freedom of expressionSubject::Access to informationSubject::UNESCOMemory of the World SCEaR Newsletter: Press Freedom and Documentary HeritageOtherUNESCOInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions