CC BY 4.0Uzwyshyn, Ray2023-05-242023-05-162023-05-242023-05-24 Project Management concepts find applicability in academic libraries where processes could benefit from streamlining through a formalization of Agile Project Management structures and processes. Scrum, Kanban, and Lean are frameworks, structures and methodologies that all benefit Library IT processes. Even though system wide implementation of information technology has been carried out widely in libraries in the past three decades, there is room for a more structured approach utilizing these structures from Agile perspectives. This research highlights a few current directions and synergies from best practices of Agile Project Management and current library technology needs. It highlights the most applicable and innovative areas of Agile techniques that would be useful to pursue.en managementSubject::Knowledge managementSubject::Library managementCan We Get Some Agile Here? The Application of Agile Project Management Principles for Library ITArticlesInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)