IFLA Section of Libraries Serving Disadvantaged personsPanella, Nancy Mary2021-03-312006-12-202021-03-312006-1213 978-90-77897-14-310 90-77897-14-30168-1931https://repository.ifla.org/handle/20.500.14598/483During the course of its preliminary research, the working group was struck with how the concept of a hospital library differs so in different parts of the world. It found, for example, that in some countries, the term 'hospital library' almost always signified a biomedical/health sciences library, while in others, it usuallymeant a library providing leisure reading materials for patients. In still other countries, 'hospital library' could signifyeither a biomedical/health sciences library or a patients' library, with the latter providing leisure reading collections or health information materials or both. Recognizing the ambiguity of the term, therefore, these guidelines have tried to avoid its use. It was not possible to do so in some instances, for example, in recounting the history of patients' libraries. The reader should thus be aware that where the term 'hospital library' is used, it means a library for patients, one that routinely provides leisure reading collections, often in combination with health information materials.deSubject::Library services to the elderlySubject::Library services to the disabled in long-term care facilitiesSubject::Library services to people with special needsRichtlinien für Patientenbibliotheken und Bibliotheken für Senioren und Behinderte in LangzeitpflegeeinrichtungenGuidelines for Libraries Serving Hospital Patients and the Elderly and Disabled in Long-Term Care FacilitiesFlagship PublicationsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)