Farmer, LesleyStricevic, Ivanka2021-05-062011-10-272021-05-062011-1097890778975530168-1931 aims of this new brochure are threefold: 1.) to encourage librarians to use research in their literacy and reading promotion efforts; 2.) to encourage other organizations that promote literacy and reading to make use of relevant research in their own promotional activities; 3.) to encourage librarians and other organizations to conduct action and assessment research.arSubject::Literacy and readingSubject::Reading promotionاستخدام البحث في الترويج لمحو الأمية والقراءة في المكتبات :إرشادات للمكتبيينUsing Research to Promote Literacy and Reading in Libraries: Guidelines for LibrariansFlagship PublicationsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)