IFLA Libraries for the Blind SectionKavanagh, RosemaryChristensen Sköld, Beatrice2021-04-152005-02-082021-04-152005-0213 978 - 90-77897-01-1https://repository.ifla.org/handle/20.500.14598/553Developing an efficient library service for print-disabled people is extremely important, because there are significantly fewer books available commercially in accessible formats compared to what is published in print for the general public. The need to build collections in alternative formats and make them available for readers who are unable to browse shelves makes it necessary to develop special services.enSubject::Library services to people with print disabilitiesSubject::Print disabilitiesSubject::Visually impairedLibraries for the Blind in the Information Age - Guidelines for developmentReportsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)