CC BY 4.0Van Camp, AnnLieber, Sven2022-07-282022-07-282022-07-282022-07-28 International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) is an ISO certified standardised number for uniquely identifying contributors to creative works. By resolving the problem of name ambiguity in global data flows, ISNI serves as an excellent tool to enhance the quality of authority data and acts as a bridge identifier across multiple domains and databases. In this presentation we will explain three major benefits of implementing ISNI at KBR, the Royal Library of Belgium: ISNI 1) enables us to enhance data quality, 2) facilitates smooth data exchanges, and 3) improves the efficiency of internal processes like cataloguing or monitoring legal deposit.en dataSubject::InteroperabilitySubject::PlanningSubject::Authority dataSubject::Cataloguing standardsISNI, a top tool for quality enhancement, smooth data flows and efficient internal processesArticlesAnn Van Camp and Sven Lieber