CC BY 4.0Beliakova, DariaGorokhova, Svetlana2022-12-162022-12-162022-12-162022-12-16 poster topic is aligned to IFLA Strategy 2019 - 2024, Direction 2: Inspire and Enhance Professional Practice. A clearly structured method presented in a 5-point table. Methodology for promoting an IFLA document at the national level and its implementation in library practice on the example of the Library of Foreign Literature: its widespread dissemination and adaptation for Russian libraries. Methods for organizing advanced training of library staff at the workplace. Expected results: - Increasing the motivation of library specialists to continuing professional development already at the stage of professional training; - Raising awareness among library staff and managers about workplace learning opportunities; - Establishing a system of continuing education in libraries; - Revitalization of national library associations in enabling professional development of library specialists.en StrategyHow to build effective system of the workplace learning in your library? Inspire and Engage! 5 lifehucks from RussiaEvents MaterialsDaria BeliakovaSvetlana Gorokhova