CC BY 4.0IFLA School Libraries SectionMarquardt, Luisa2023-08-082023-08-082023-08-082023-08-08 of Business Meeting #2: School Libraries Section, Teleconference (Zoom), 26 August 2022. Inter alia, the following items were discussed: outcomes from the IFLA WLIC 2022 (Satellite Meeting, main session); an update on the Annual report 2021/2022; MIL Week 2022; ISLM (International School Library Month); Midyear meeting 2023; WLIC 2023: satellite meeting and main session; MIL Alliance; Manifesto on Libraries and Lifelong learning; Information Coordination & Communication Plan.en librariesMinutes of meeting: School Libraries Section, Teleconference (Zoom), 26 August 2022Minutes of MeetingsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)