CC BY 4.0IFLA Library History Special Interest Group2022-11-212022-102022-11-212022-11-21 Library History started its work at the end of March 2022, preparing the WLIC Open Session and the business meetings during the WLIC. The LIBHIST mailing list has been reactivated and new subscribers have been added. The SIG LIBHIST web pages have been updated and internal (Basecamp) and external (Blog) communication has been launched. Oral histories: as a first activity it took into consideration the results obtained from the Oral histories project launched in 2018. After WLIC 2022 a subgroup is preparing the project guidelines. IFLA Centenary book project: has been discussed during the WLIC inside the SIG Committee and during the Open Session. A funding proposal has been submitteden historySubject::Professional UnitsAnnual Report 2021-2022: Library History Special Interest GroupAnnual ReportsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)