CC BY 4.0IFLA Information Technology Standing CommitteeUzwyshyn, RayBalnaves, EdmundBoffy, François-XavierChakarova, JujaKleinveldt, LynnSánchez Nogales, ElenaPastrana García, AliciaCerdán Medina, José CarlosLorca González, MarceloMalliari, AfroditeNitsos, IliasZapounidou, SofiaDoropoulos, StavrosCox, AndrewInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)2022-05-252022-05-252022-05-252022-06-01 this issue, we have a wide spectrum of great articles on AI topics for libraries. Juja Chakarova, of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, gives a historical overview of AI in the context of libraries. Lynn Kleinveldt, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa, overviews new AI learning environments and libraries. Elena Sánchez Nogales, Alicia Pastrana García, José Carlos Cerdán Medina, of the National Library of Spain, present a project regarding Digital Transformation, Data Reuse and AI at the National Library of Spain. Marcelo Lorca González, from the Library at the National Congress of Chile, details a project on the conversion of MARC to BIBFRAME and implications towards semantic web-linking. From Greece’s International Hellenic and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Datascouting, Afrodite Malliari, Ilias Nitsos, Sofia Zapounidou, Stavros Doropoulos overview an AI-based Open Audio-Visual Archives (OAVA) project for enhanced search and retrieval. And from the University of Sheffield, UK, Andrew Cox forwards a compelling set of ethics scenarios regarding artificial intelligence and the importance of examining ethical implications of AI for information professionals.en technologySubject::Artificial intelligenceSubject::Digital humanitiesSubject::Big dataTrends and Issues in Library Technology, June 2022TILT - June 2022SerialsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)