CC BY 4.0IFLA Information Technology Section Standing CommitteeCher, PatrickBalnaves, EdmundBoffy, François-XavierUzwyshyn, RayChilton, GaladrielGendreau, Jean-SébastienSabourin, MathieuTimms, KatYon, AngelaUzwyshyn, Ray2023-05-242023-05-242023-05-242023-05-24 is a thematic issue with several articles about agile project management methodology in libraries. There is also a feedback on mid-term event organized by IT section, AI SIG and Big Data SIG. Table of content : Retrospective of AI Satellite Conference in Singapore (Patrick Cher, National Library Board, Singapore); Using Agile Methods & Tools for Collaborative Collections Project and Organizational Development (Galadriel Chilton, Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation, USA); Improving Digital Services and Access to Collections at Library and Archives Canada (Jean-Sébastien Gendreau, Mathieu Sabourin and Kat Timms, Library and Archives Canada, Canada); Can We Get Some Agile Here? The Application of Agile Project Management Principles for Library IT (Ray Uzwyshyn, Mississippi State University, USA); Contextualizing Performers in Circus Route Books: Linked Data Entities and the Open Data Environment (Angela Yon, Illinois State University, USA).en technologySubject::Project managementSubject::Data visualizationSubject::Artificial intelligenceSubject::Digital library servicesSubject::Knowledge managementSubject::Big dataTrends and Issues in Library Technology (TILT) Newsletter, June 2023Agile project management and summer conference issueSerialsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)