IFLA Libraries for Children and Young Adults SectionIFLA Literacy and Reading SectionInternational Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)Everall, AnnieQuiñones, Viviana2021-05-062013-09-132021-05-062013-0997890778976140168-1931https://repository.ifla.org/handle/20.500.14598/655Children’s Librarians all over the world understand how important picture books in both traditional and digital formats are for children: for their development, their cultural identity, as a springboard into learning to read for themselves; for their visual skills, and because of the closeness of sharing them with an adult. It is then very important to promote picture books and to ensure access to them. The idea behind the World Through Picture Books is to create a list of picture books from around the world that have been recommended by librarians, as a tool for building bridges and developing understanding between countries. The project is led by IFLA Children’s and Young Adults section with support from partners IFLA Literacy and Reading section and IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People).enSubject::Library services to children and young adultsSubject::Literature for childrenSubject::Picture booksSubject::Reading promotionSubject::Literacy and readingSubject::Collection developmentThe World Through Picture Books (2013)Flagship PublicationsInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)