CC BY 4.0Akbayturk, TubaMedawar, Katia2024-01-182023-12-202024-01-182024-01-18 DDRS Standing Committee created 4 Action Plans for 2023-2025 : 1. 18th Interlending_Document_Supply_Conference 28-30 October 2024. 2. Maintain the RSCVD (Resource Sharing Collaborative and Voluntary Document Delivery Program Governance Communicaiton and Monitoring) 3. Monitor Current and Emerging Topics Effecting resource Sharing and Support the Community - 4 Review the Guidelines for best Practice in Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery.en sharingSubject::Interlibrary loansSubject::Best practicesSubject::Codes of practiceSubject::Continuing professional developmentAction Plan 2023-2025: Document Delivery and Resource Sharing SectionAction PlansInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)