IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Section2021-03-242008-09-152021-03-242008-09https://repository.ifla.org/handle/20.500.14598/431This booklet is a brief guide on how to write a collection development policy, making use of the Conspectus methodology. It is the result of the recognition by the IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Section that its worldwide members lacked a handy introduction to this important subject. The guide is intended to be of particular value to staff new to collection development and in areas where there is little written tradition of collection development. We hope that it will be of practical use to librarians setting out on the sometimes daunting task of writing a collection development policy.itSubject::Acquisitions and collection developmentLinee guida per una carta delle collezioni usando il modello ConspectusGuidelines for a Collection Development Policy using the Conspectus ModelStandards