IFLA Repository

The IFLA Repository was established to collect and disseminate works by the global IFLA community. Here you can explore IFLA Standards, key publications, core documents and much more. Items in the repository are integrated with our main website, IFLA.org, as “Resources” and displayed in a separate Resources page of the website, as well as in relevant unit or topic pages. 

If you have questions about this site, please contact repository@ifla.org.

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Vyhlásenie IFLA o otvorenom prístupe k vedeckej literatúre a vedeckej dokumentácii
(2010-02-26) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); Stasselová, Silvia
Toto vyhlásenie bolo prijaté Správnou radou IFLA na jej zasadnutí v Haagu, dňa 5. decembra 2003.
IFLA Statement on Open Access to Scholarly Literature and Research Documentation
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2004-02-24) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
IFLA recognises that achieving affordable, global access to scholarly information and research documentation will require a great deal of commitment and a variety of strategies. IFLA strongly supports the Open Access movement and welcomes the launch of many OA compliant publications. IFLA also acknowledges the need to address the challenge on a number of fronts and in partnership with many stakeholders.
Get into Voluntary National Reviews of the SDGs (2025 edition)
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-10-12) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Voluntary National Reviews are a way for UN Member States to report on national progress towards the SDGs. They should be prepared in consultation with all actors, including civil society (and so libraries). As such, engaging in them is an opportunity for libraries to highlight their contribution to development and build new relationships and partnerships. This guide explains more, including ideas about how to get involved.
IFLA Elections 2025 Guide
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-10-11) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
In managing IFLA's elections process, we are committed to ensuring openness and transparency, and strongly encourage a great, diverse field of people to come forwards for roles. In turn, we also encourage those with voting rights to use them to support diversity, recognising that this can and should be a unique strength of the Federation. This guide has therefore been prepared to help individuals understand and better navigate this process and to provide details on what is needed to nominate and/or get nominated, as well as to understand the next steps.
Међународно дијељење ресурса и достављање докумената – Принципи и смјернице процедуре
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-10-09) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); Radaković, Jelena
Заједничко коришћење појединачних библиотечких колекција је неопходан елемент међународне сарадње између библиотека. Као што ниједна држава не може бити сама себи довољна, тако ни библиотека не може самостално испунити све информационе потребе својих корисника. Набавка и размјена дуплих књига (копија) између библиотека у различитим земљама је важан и неопходан дио процеса међубиблиотечке позајмице. Пошто свака држава мора да одреди на који начин ће обезбјеђивати ресурсе за допуну докумената, сљедећи принципи и смјернице нису нужно обавезни. Међутим, поједине земље и библиотеке снажно подстичемо да користе смјернице као основу за спровођење међународне позајмице. Принципи штите интересе свих библиотека и праве подлогу за препоручену праксу појединачних народа за приступ колекцијама.