IFLA Repository

The IFLA Repository was established to collect and disseminate works by the global IFLA community. Here you can explore IFLA Standards, key publications, core documents and much more. Items in the repository are integrated with our main website, IFLA.org, as ā€œResourcesā€ and displayed in a separate Resources page of the website, as well as in relevant unit or topic pages. 

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Minutes of meeting: IFLA Regional Council, 6 August 2024
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-09-25) IFLA Regional Council
The ninth meeting of the Regional Council 2023-2025 was held virtually on 6 August 2024. Items discussed during this meeting include welcome by the Regional Council Chair, followed by updates from Governing Board, Professional Council, Regional Division Committee Chairs, and Headquarters. Additionally, the Regional Division Committee Evaluation Process was discussed, alongside the mid-term review of the Regional Council. An update on the Regional Council Action Plan was shared during this meeting. Future Deep-Dives were explored, while the RDC participation process at the upcoming WLIC 2025 and the partnerships exploration in the region were highlighted.
Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2014-08-18) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The Lyon Declaration is an advocacy document that was used to positively influence the content of the United Nations post-2015 development agenda. It was drafted by IFLA and a number of strategic partners in the library and development communities between January and May 2014. The Declaration states clearly that access to information supports development by empowering people to: Exercise their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; Learn and apply new skills; Make decisions and participate in an active and engaged civil society; Create community-based solutions to development challenges; Ensure accountability, transparency, good governance, and empowerment; Measure progress on public and private commitments on sustainable development. The Declaration called upon United Nations Member States to make an international commitment through the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure that everyone has access to, and is able to understand, use and share the information that is necessary to promote sustainable development and democratic societies.
Update CPDWL Newsletter, September 2024
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-09-23) Brine, Alan; Li, Mingyan; Corradini, Elena; Ismail, Heba; Chan, Helen; DeSumar, Juanita; Brine, Alan
CPDWL's Update September 2024 Newsletter contains: Message from the Chair, CDPWL Webinar Series, Survey on CPD in Public Libraries in Europe, Library Leadership Institute held at Hong Kong University Libraries.
Global action, global access? The IGO Licensing Landscape
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-09-19) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The Intergovernmental Organisation (IGO) space continues to be characterised by a diversity of approaches to licensing of the materials they publish, including between different materials from the same organisation. Despite the limits this places on possibilities to reuse and apply insights from their publications, many IGOs continue to use restrictive terms. Nonetheless, there are possibilities to strengthen the uptake of standardised open licences (such as Creative Commons). A more harmonised approach to licensing, as well as investment in repositories and clearer information would also support reuse of UN work. This would be in line with the UN 2.0 agenda.
Minutes of meeting: IFLA Regional Council, 5 March 2024
(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-09-17) IFLA Regional Council
The sixth meeting of the Regional Council 2023-2025 was held virtually on 5 March 2024. Items discussed during this meeting include welcome by the Regional Council Chair, followed by updates from Governing Board, Professional Council, and Headquarters. Additionally, there were four Deep-Dive issues discussed: 1) Changing perceptions of libraries among governments over COVID-19, 2) Changing perceptions of libraries among communities over COVID-19, 3) Changing self-perceptions of libraries over COVID-19, 3) Next steps with this work. Updates on work to develop contacts in New York, and other advocacy work were also discussed, alongside updates on communications and on methods for reviewing Regional Division Committees, and exchange of RDC chair experiences.