IFLA Repository

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Minutes of meeting: Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section, 16 January 2025
(International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2025-02-09) IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee; Medawar, Katia
The monthly DDRS meeting discussed the DDRS IFLA themes for the WLIC 2025. Several options were discussed NISO survey on ILL processes and the future of the IFLA voucher, the Controlled Digital Lending, sustainability in Resource Sharing, the impact of e-susbscriptions, the eddfect of Open Access on Resource Sharing, challenges in shipping materials internationnally, the future of ILL Digital Controlled Digital Lending. Chair Tuba recommended to consolidate the ideas for the next meeting in February and come up with a theme. The elctions were discussed and Tuba explained to all the process and those in the committee who do not need nominations versus all those who need nominations. Tuba encouraged Committee members to collaborate, support one another dring the nnomination process. The committee anticipates welcomgin 3-4 new members to ILDS. The storage location of the latest ILDS 2024 papers was discussed and IFLA repository and ADA University repository will be homes to all papers.
Minutes of meeting: Resource Sharing during COVID-19 Committee, 22 January 2025
(International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2025-02-09) IFLA Resource Sharing during COVID-19 Committee; Medawar, Katia
The monthly RSCVD meeting took place on January 16, 2025, led by Committee Chair Carmen Lomba. She opened the discussion by reflecting on ILDS 2024 and invited members to share their impressions and ideas. Silvana provided updates on the Talaria application, suggesting the need for librarian training on the final release, which is expected soon. Lapis Cohen extended an invitation to the RSCVD Committee to participate in the ALA meeting in June 2025 in Philadelphia to discuss the collaboration between SHARE and RSCVD. Katia updated the committee on possible themes being considered by DDRS for WLIC 2025. Discussions also took place regarding the session format, with options including a classical panel discussion, an International World Café, or a fishbowl format. Silvana proposed that RSCVD be represented at ALA as part of the DDRS open session and at the IFLA stand in the WLIC exhibits area. She also suggested developing marketing materials, including brochures and a demo. The committee reviewed upcoming RSCVD activities across different regions: Lisbon (May 27-31, 2025) – Presentation under the theme "Partnership and Cooperation Networks on Open Access Projects." Hispano-American Libraries Webinar – To engage and expand RSCVD’s outreach. MENA Libraries Webinar (February 4, 2025, at QNL) – Conducted in Arabic to support regional library communities. Sri Lankan Library Association & Bangladeshi Librarians Webinar – Aimed at further expanding RSCVD’s outreach efforts. To date, 267 libraries have joined RSCVD. The meeting concluded with a discussion on RSCVD’s sustainability, particularly the need to explore funding opportunities and sponsorships from foundations to ensure long-term success.
Minutes of Meeting: Resource Sharing during COVID-19 Committee, 13 November 2024
(International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2025-01-19) IFLA Resource Sharing during COVID-19 Committee; Medawar, Katia
The Resource Sharing Collaborative and Voluntary Document Delivery (RSCVD) Steering Committee met and updated about the latest action between the group and the Toolkit as part of the collaboration and sustainability for both groups. The Toolkit has added a new column allowing RSCVD libraries to register and join the platform. It was decided to send an announcement via the RSCVD Listserv to inform member libraries about the opportunity to register with the Toolkit. The ILDS Conference happening soon 2-4 Dec., the Committee discussed in details the RSCVD session that will take place on December 4th from 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
Minutes of meeting: Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section, 7 November 2024
(International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2025-01-19) IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee; Medawar, Katia
The DDRS Standing Committee met on Novebmer 7th 2024 and discussed a potential meeting with the International Standard organization” to share the results of a survey that was done about Resource Sharing and IFLA vouchers. The ILDS 2024 is in progress with confirmed Keynote speakers:Trevor Dawes, Inga Davidoniene, Karim Tahirov. 13 papers, 11 posters and a special session about RSCVD. The 4th webinar of the Series was scheduled for the 12th of November with all confirmed speakers from Columbia and Brazil, Andy and Tom updated the Committee on the progress of the major updates of the DDRS guidelines. Chair discussed the need to create a volunteering committee to prepare the WLIC 2025 session . The election and prenomination processes were also discussed, along to the IFLA Strategy and trend report. Under the International Perspective theme, the ILL in Norway was presented by Helen Sakrihei showcasing the ILL process, from laws, legislations, repositories, search and deliveries and digital libraries.
Minutes of meeting: Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section, 12 December 2024
(International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2025-01-19) IFLA Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section Standing Committee; Medawar, Katia
The Standing Committee of the Document Delivery and Resource Sharing met on December 12th and welcomed the NISO committee who presented their findings on the future of the IFLA vouchers. under the “Exploration of new ISO 18626 functionality interesting group: The group has been talking to various entities: IFLA, vendors who support ILL systems and the Center for Interlibrary Loan Transactions (CILLT) regarding the ILL financial transactions. They shared their presentation introducing the initiative. It has been decided to follow up with the IFLA HQ. Andy and Tom updated the committee on their progress in the updates, and to provide an estimated timeline after the holidays. The Committee evaluated the IFLA ILDS 2024 in Baku that was held from 2-4 December, It was a success, very well organized, good attendence 70 and more reflections on lessons learned from the conference for the future one to be held in 2026. A new webinar by the grant recipient of (ILDS 2024) to be organized in February 2025. IFLA elections were discussed as well as creating a committee to decide on a theme for the WLIC 2025.