Browsing by Author "IFLA Public Libraries Section"
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Item Bibliotecas públicas, archivos y museos: tendencias de colaboración y cooperación(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2009-02) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries SectionEste informe examina las últimas tendencias de colaboración y cooperación que existen entre bibliotecas públicas, archivos y museos. En muchos casos, las instituciones examinadas tienen objetivos parecidos o que comparten, provocando que sean socios ideales para crear colaboraciones conjuntas. Se examinan distintos tipos de proyectos de colaboración, entre los cuales se incluyen exposiciones, programas comunitarios, recursos digitales y facilidades de uso común. Los ejemplos provienen de Canadá, Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, así como de Rusia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Alemania, Italia, España, Sudáfrica, Australia y Nueva Zelanda. El informe concluye con una guía de colaboraciones e incluye ejemplos de las mejores puestas en práctica del sector, una guía para una colaboración exitosa, una discusión acerca de los beneficios y riesgos de la colaboración y una relación de recursos consultados.Item Bibliothèques publiques, archives et musées: Tendances en matière de collaboration et de coopération(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2008-07) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries SectionCe rapport passe en revue les récentes tendances en matière de collaboration et de coopération entre les bibliothèques publiques, les archives et les musées. Dans de nombreux cas, les missions communes ou semblables des institutions examinées en ont fait des partenaires idéals de projets de collaboration. Différents types de projets de collaboration sont examinés, notamment les expositions, les programmes communautaires, les ressources numériques et les installations mixtes. Les exemples sont issus du Canada, des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni (RU), ainsi que de la Russie, du Danemark, de la Norvège, de la Suède, de l’Allemagne, de l’Italie, de l’Espagne, de l’Afrique du Sud, de l’Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Le rapport se conclut par un guide des collaborations, incluant des exemples des pratiques exemplaires dans le domaine, un guide vers une collaboration réussie, un exposé sur les bénéfices et les risques de la collaboration ainsi qu’une liste des ressources consultées.Item Diretrizes para Bibliotecas Itinerantes(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2014-01) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Stringer, Ian; Botto, Alexandra; Oleiro, MargaridaThe term Mobile Library is mainly used by British/Australian librarians. They use it to describe a motorised vehicle carrying library material. Other countries call these variously Bookmobile, Bibliobus, Bucherbus, etc. This document uses the term in its broadest sense. Any library service that does not stay in one place is classed as a Mobile Library. Mobile library services are essential to the Public Library Service and should be seen as an integral part of it. When planning library services to meet community needs, mobile library services should be considered early in the planning process as a viable and cost effective means to serve residents disadvantaged in terms of access to a static library.Item IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto 2022: Presentation Template(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-07-22) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Krass, Ulrike; Omella, EsterA presentation to introduce the 2022 IFLA-UNESCO Public Library Manifesto in EnglishItem Javne Knjižnice, Arhivi i Muzeji: Trendovi u zajedničkom djelovanju i suradnji(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-09) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries Section; Leščić, JelicaOvaj izvještaj ispituje najnovije trendove u zajedničkom djelovanju i suradnji javnih knjižnica, arhiva i muzeja. U mnogim slučajevima, dijeljene ili slične misije ispitanih ustanova čine ih idealnim partnerima u zajedničkim pothvatima. Ispitane su različite vrste zajedničkih projekata, uključujući izložbe, programe za zajednicu, digitalne izvore i zajedničko korištenje ustanova. Primjeri su iz Kanade, Sjedinjenih Država i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva (UK) kao i iz Rusije, Danske, Norveške, Švedske, Njemačke, Italije, Španjolske, Južne Afrike, Australije i Novog Zelanda. Izvještaj završava smjernicama za zajedničko djelovanje, uključujući primjere najbolje prakse na tom području, smjernicama za uspješnu suradnju, raspravom o benefitima i rizicima zajedničkog djelovanja i popisom korištenih radova.Item Mobile Library Guidelines(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2010-07) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Stringer, IanThe term Mobile Library is mainly used by British/Australian librarians. They use it to describe a motorised vehicle carrying library material. Other countries call these variously Bookmobile, Bibliobus, Bucherbus, etc. This document uses the term in its broadest sense. Any library service that does not stay in one place is classed as a Mobile Library. Mobile library services are essential to the Public Library Service and should be seen as an integral part of it. When planning library services to meet community needs, mobile library services should be considered early in the planning process as a viable and cost effective means to serve residents disadvantaged in terms of access to a static library.Item Pautas sobre Bibliotecas Móviles(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-05) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Carro Castro, María Antonia; Fernández Cedena, Sagrario; García Cesteros, Jesús; Mateos Vara, Ana Isabel; Sánchez García, Isabel; Simón Bratos, Irune; Soto Arranz, RobertoEl término Biblioteca Móvil procede de los bibliotecarios británicos y australianos. Con este nombre se designa a un vehículo motorizado que contiene material bibliotecario. En otros países se emplean distintos y variados términos como Bookmobile, Bibliobús, Bucherbus, etc. En este documento utilizaremos el término Biblioteca Móvil en su sentido más amplio, de forma que cualquier servicio de biblioteca que no permanece fijo en un punto es clasificado como Biblioteca Móvil. Los servicios de Biblioteca Móvil son una parte esencial e integral para los servicios bibliotecarios públicos. Cuando se planifican servicios bibliotecarios para satisfacer las necesidades de una comunidad, los servicios móviles de biblioteca deberían ser considerados desde un principio como un medio viable y rentable al servicio de los ciudadanos con dificultades para acceder a las bibliotecas estables.Item Public Libraries, Archives and Museums: Trends in Collaboration and Cooperation(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2008-07) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries SectionThis report examines the recent trends in collaboration and cooperation between public libraries, archives and museums. In many cases, the shared or similar missions of the institutions reviewed make them ideal partners in collaborative ventures. Different types of collaborative projects are examined, including exhibits, community programs, digital resources and joint-use facilities. Examples come from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom (UK), as well as from Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The report concludes with a guide to collaborations, including examples of best practices in the field, a guide to a successful collaboration, a discussion of the benefit and risks of collaboration, and a list of resources consulted.Item Splošne knjižnice, arhivi in muzeji: primeri vzajemne pomoči in sodelovanja(Slovenian Library Association, 2018-12) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries Section; Karun, BredaPoročilo preučuje najnovejše smeri razvoja na področju vzajemne pomoči in sodelovanja med splošnimi knjižnicami, arhivi in muzeji. V mnogih primerih so te institucije zaradi skupnih oziroma podobnih ciljev idealni partnerji za skupne projekte. Poročilo preučuje različne tipe skupnih projektov, med njimi razstave, programe skupnosti, digitalne vire in skupno uporabo opreme in prostorov. Vključeni so primeri iz Kanade, ZDA, Velike Britanije, pa tudi iz Rusije, Danske, Norveške, Švedske, Nemčije, Italije, Španije, Južnoafriške republike, Avstralije in Nove Zelandije. Poročilo se zaključi z napotki za sodelovanje, vključno s primeri dobre prakse na tem področju, vodnikom za uspešno sodelovanje, razpravo o prednostih in tveganjih sodelovanja in seznamom uporabljenih virov.Item Руководство по мобильным библиотекам(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-04) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Stringer, Ian; Azgaldov, E.G.Термин «мобильная библиотека» в ходу главным образом у британских и австралийских библиотекарей. Им обозначают моторизованное транспортное средство, перевозящее библиотечные материалы. В других странах используют другие названия: «букмобиль», «библиобус», «бухербус» и др. В настоящем документе термин применяется в самом широком смысле. Любая библиотечная служба, не стоящая на одном месте, относится к категории мобильных библиотек. Мобильное библиотечное обслуживание играет существенную роль в работе публичной библиотеки и должно рассматриваться как неотъемлемая ее часть. Уже на самом первом этапе планирования библиотечной работы следует иметь в виду мобильные виды обслуживания, ибо это жизнеспособное и экономически эффективное средство обслуживания тех жителей, для кого доступ к стационарной библиотеке затруднен или невозможен.Item Смернице за покретне библиотеке(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-05-08) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Stringer, Ian; Rajić, JelenaТермин „Mobile library” („покретна библиотека”) углавном користе британски и аустралијски библиотекари. Односи се на моторно возило које превози библиотечку грађу. У другим земљама користе се различити термини: „Bookmobile”, „Bibliobus”, „Bucherbus” итд. У овом документу, термин „покретна библиотека” се користи у свом најширем смислу. Свака библиотечка услуга која није везана за једно место спада у категорију услуга покретних библиотека. Када се планирају библиотечке услуге које ће задовољавати потребе заједнице, услуге покретне библиотеке би требало узети у обзир већ у првој фази планирања као одржив и економичан начин за пружање услуга становништву које је у неповољном положају што се тиче приступа традиционалној библиотеци.Item توجيهات للمكتبات المتنقلة(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-10) IFLA Public Libraries Section; Stringer, Ian; Arab Federation for Libraries & Information (AFLI)The term Mobile Library is mainly used by British/Australian librarians. They use it to describe a motorised vehicle carrying library material. Other countries call these variously Bookmobile, Bibliobus, Bucherbus, etc. This document uses the term in its broadest sense. Any library service that does not stay in one place is classed as a Mobile Library. Mobile library services are essential to the Public Library Service and should be seen as an integral part of it. When planning library services to meet community needs, mobile library services should be considered early in the planning process as a viable and cost effective means to serve residents disadvantaged in terms of access to a static library.Item 公共图书馆、档案馆与博物馆:合作趋势(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2009-07) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries Section本报告探讨了公共图书馆、档案馆和博物馆开展合作的新趋势。多个案例显示,这些被调查的、有共同或相似发展目标的机构,通过 开展合作可成为理想的伙伴。本报告调查了它们之间的多种合作方 式,包括展览、社区项目、数字资源和共用设施等方面的合作。其中 的实例来自加拿大、美国、英国、俄国、丹麦、挪威、瑞典、德国、意大利、西班牙、南非、澳大利业和新西兰。本报告总结出合作指南,包括本领域最佳实践范例、通向成功的合作指南、合作利益与风险探 讨以及参考信息一览表。Item 公立図書館・文書館・博物館 協同と協力の動向(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2008-12) Yarrow, Alexandra; Clubb, Barbara; Draper, Jennifer-Lynn; IFLA Public Libraries SectionThis report examines the recent trends in collaboration and cooperation between public libraries, archives and museums. In many cases, the shared or similar missions of the institutions reviewed make them ideal partners in collaborative ventures. Different types of collaborative projects are examined, including exhibits, community programs, digital resources and joint-use facilities. Examples come from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom (UK), as well as from Russia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The report concludes with a guide to collaborations, including examples of best practices in the field, a guide to a successful collaboration, a discussion of the benefit and risks of collaboration, and a list of resources consulted.