Committee Publications


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Now showing 1 - 20 of 134
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    Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters position on Artificial Intelligence
    (2024-10-06) Levine, Melissa; Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)
    This paper set out the position of the Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters around artificial intelligence how it interacts with copyright, with a view to ensuring that libraries can maximise the positive implications of AI.
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    Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters - Communications and Outreach Approach
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-10-06) Levine, Melissa; Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)
    This document provides an overview of how the Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) approaches work around communications and outreach in order to ensure maximum reach for its work.
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    Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters Manifesto
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-10-06) Levine, Melissa; Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)
    This paper provides model manifesto agreed by the Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) as a reference point for its work and that of others in the library field. It addresses the type of copyright framework that enables libraries best to fulfil their missions.
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    IFLA Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) - Approach to Work
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-10-06) Levine, Melissa; Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM)
    This document provides a short overview of the Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters' overall approach to questions around copyright and its wider work.
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    Update CPDWL Newsletter, September 2024
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-09-23) Chan, Helen; Chan, Kitman; Hallam, Gill; Ismail, Heba; Reddacliff, Ann; Todorovic, Ivana; Yang, Tao; Brine, Alan
    CPDWL's Update September 2024 Newsletter contains: Message from the Chair, CDPWL Webinar Series, Survey on CPD in Public Libraries in Europe, Library Leadership Institute held at Hong Kong University Libraries.
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    IFLA EALS Section Terms of Reference
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-08-26) Rakočević Uvodić, Maela
    IFLA Equitable and Accessible Library Services (EALS) Section (formerly Library Services to People with Special Needs (LSN) Section) updated Terms of Reference
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    Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) 2013 Errata #2 for the 2009 text
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-07) IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Review Group; Riva, Pat
    These errata to the original 2009 text of the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) were approved by the FRBR Review Group in 2013. They are integrated into the corrected July 2013 text of FRAD
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    Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) 2011 Modifications and Errata for the 2009 text
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-11) IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Review Group; Riva, Pat
    These errata and minor modifications to the original 2009 text of the Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) were approved by the FRBR Review Group in 2011. They are integrated into the corrected July 2013 text of FRAD
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    Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) Errata in 2011 text
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-10) IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Review Group; Riva, Pat
    This errata revises the definition of the whole-part relationship between nomens in section 5.4.2 of the 2011 text of the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD). This change was approved by the FRBR Review Group in 2011. The paragraph in section 5.4.2 of the 2011 edition of FRSAD is to be replaced by this text.
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    Final Report of the Working Group on Aggregates
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2011-09-12) O'Neill, Ed; Cato, Anders; Murtomaa, Eeva; Tillett, Barbara; Thurston, Patricia; Žumer, Maja
    The Working Group on Aggregates was established in 2005 by the FRBR Review Group and submitted its final report on 12 September 2011. Its mandate was to explore the treatment of aggregates in the FRBR model. Common aggregates to be considered include: (1) Collections, selections, and anthologies, (2) Augmentations (original text augmented with illustrations, notes, introductions, etc.), (3) Monographic series, (4) Serials, (5) Multi-part monographs and (6) Integrating resources. Since aggregates are only briefly described in the original Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) report, at the 2005 IFLA FRBR Workshop in Dublin, Ohio and at the FRBR Review Group meeting in Oslo in 2005, difficulties and inconsistencies in applying the FRBR model to aggregates were identified as an impediment to FRBR implementation. The Working Group proposed a general model for aggregates and identified three distinct types of aggregates: (1) aggregate collections of expressions, (2) aggregates resulting from augmentation, and (3) aggregates of parallel expressions. Each type is illustrated with examples.
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    Transition Mappings: User Tasks, Entities, Attributes, and Relationships in FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD mapped to their equivalents in the IFLA Library Reference Model
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2017-08-05) Riva, Pat; Žumer, Maja; Le Boeuf, Patrick
    These detailed mappings of the user tasks, entities, attributes and relationships from the three FR models (FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data, and FRSAD: Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data) to the IFLA Library Reference Model (IFLA LRM) facilitate the transition between the models. Starting with an alignment of the respective FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD elements, the mappings document the resulting disposition of those elements in IFLA LRM. Elements may have been retained, merged, generalized, remodeled, or deprecated. The document starts with a concise overview of the differences between IFLA LRM and the three superseded FR models. It serves as a companion document to IFLA LRM.
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    IFLA Library Reference Model (IFLA LRM) Modifications and Errata through December 2017
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2017-12) Riva, Pat; IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) Review Group
    These errata and minor modifications were approved in December 2017 by the FRBR Review Group (which became the Bibliographic Conceptual Models Review Group in 2018). These changes were integrated into the text of IFLA LRM that was originally endorsed in August 2017 to produce the revised December 2017 text.
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    Digital News Resource Guide
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-01-18) Thomas, Deborah; Bauville, Alexia; Heidrich, Pia; Holub, Karolina; Irenoa, Kenneth; Krahmer, Ana; Reséndiz, Perla Olivia Rodríguez; Servizzi, Nina; Winsmann, Anke
    This guide is meant to be a first step toward exploring and understanding the kinds of digital resources available to information seekers through news publications. This is not intended to serve as a complete list of information sources available to researchers from journalistic materials, but rather as an overview, a place to help orient the information seeker and to provide some useful starting places.
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    News Literacy Curriculum Toolkit 2024
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-01-01) Mutev, Viktor; Bauville, Alexia; Feeney, Mary; Irenoa, Kenneth; Knapp, Jeffrey; Krahmer, Ana; Servizzi, Nina
    Developed by members of the IFLA News Media section, this document is intended to serve as a modular lesson guide. Using this document, instructors planning news literacy topics for university students in courses such as Journalism, Rhetoric, Technical Communication, Information Science, could identify classroom activities or lessons for incorporating into their own teaching.
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    ISBD Descrição Bibliográfica Internacional Normalizada: Atualização 2021 da Edição Consolidada 2011
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-06-11) Escolano Rodríguez, Elena; Caro Martín, Adelaida; Fejes, Judit; García-Monge Carretero, Isabel; Gentili-Tedeschi, Massimo; McGarry, Dorothy; Ouf, Rehab; Santos Muñoz, Ricardo; White, Hollie C.; ISBD Review Group; Modesto, Fernando; Hubner, Marcos
    A ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description, descrição bibliográfica padrão internacional) da IFLA é o padrão que especifica os requisitos para a descrição e identificação de recursos publicados e não publicados que provavelmente aparecerão em coleções de bibliotecas. A ISBD determina os elementos de dados a serem registrados ou transcritos em uma sequência específica como base da descrição do recurso que está sendo catalogado, e emprega a pontuação prescrita como um meio de reconhecer e exibir os elementos de dados e torná-los compreensíveis independentemente do idioma da descrição. A atualização de 2021 da edição consolidada de 2011 da ISBD leva em conta as solicitações dos usuários e suas necessidades de catalogação desde a publicação da edição de 2011. Ela amplia a cobertura da ISBD para uma gama maior de recursos, otimiza sua capacidade de descrição granular, esclarece e desenvolve alguns dos elementos e traz mais organização e refinamentos para a descrição de alguns tipos de recursos. []
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    Mapping from ISBD to IFLA LRM
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2019-06-27) Escolano Rodríguez, Elena; Behrens, Renate; McGarry, Dorothy; Gentili-Tedeschi, Massimo; Oury, Clément; Riva, Pat; Roche, Mélanie
    This is a conceptual or semantic mapping between the ISBD element set and the IFLA LRM elements, but not a formal alignment.
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    Alignment of ISBD element set with FRBR element set
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2016-08-01) Bertolini, María Violeta; Boulet, Vincent; Dunsire, Gordon; Escolano Rodríguez, Elena; Gentili-Tedeschi, Massimo; Leresche, Françoise; McGarry, Dorothy; Roche, Mélanie; Santos Muñoz, Ricardo; Willer, Mirna
    This document consists in a table containing the alignment of the ISBD element set with the FRBR element set
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    WLIC 2022 Satellite Meeting Report: Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2022-07-23) IFLA Digital Humanities – Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group Committee
    Report of the WLIC 2022 Satellite Meeting "Knowledge management (KM) principles and human behavior: How do we inspire, enable, engage, and connect people in KM?" hosted by Knowledge Management Section and DHDS SIG.
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    Recommendations for Interlibrary Loan Response Codes
    (International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-04-10) Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section
    IFLA addressed challenges in interlibrary loan communication by creating a standardized list of 28 response codes. These codes, assigned to reasons for non supply, aim to overcome language barriers and promote international understanding in interlibrary loan systems. Insights from librarians worldwide, representing diverse regions, contributed to this effort.
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    بیانیه کتابخانه چندفرهنگی ایفلا/یونسکو ـــ بسته عملیاتی
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-04-04) IFLA Libraries Serving Multicultural Populations Section; Yang, Le; Hasankhani, Zahra; Demetriades, Nicholas; Seifi, Leili
    خدمات اطلاعاتی و کتابخانه‌ای در زمینه‌های متنوع فرهنگی و زبانی، هم شامل ارائه خدمات به همه انواع کاربران کتابخانه و هم ارائه خدمات کتابخانه‌ای است که به‌طور خاص، گروه‌های فرهنگی و زبانی کمتر خدمت‌رسانی می‌شوند، مورد هدف قرار می‌گیرد. باید توجه خاص به گروه‌هایی شود که اغلب در جوامع فرهنگی متنوع به حاشیه رانده شده‌اند: اقلیت‌ها، پناه‌جویان و پناهندگان، ساکنان دارای مجوز اقامت موقت، کارگران مهاجر، و جوامع بومی. از این رو بخش خدمات کتابخانه ها برای جوامع چندفرهنگی دستنامه بیانیه کتابخانه چند فرهنگی ایفلا / یونسکو را تدوین کرده است که جهت دسترسی جوامع محلی به زبان های مختلف ترجمه و در مخزن ایفلا ذخیره و به صورت رایگان برای استفاده قابل دسترس است. دستنامه بیانیه کتابخانه چندفرهنگی ایفلا/یونسکو شامل بسته عملیاتی و هفت پیوست به ترتیب پیوست A با موضوع کتابخانه چند فرهنگی: دروازه ای به سوی جامعه ای با تنوع فرهنگی در گفتمان، پیوست B تجزیه و تحلیل جامعه و نیاز سنجی پیوست C درک بیانیه: دستنامه کارگاه، پیوست D درک بیانیه: یک کارگاه، پیوست E تهیه بیانیه ماموریت، پیوست F الگوی تصمیم گیری و پیوست G اقدامات اصلی: بسته آموزشی است.