Newsletter: Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, July 2023

dc.audienceAudience::Library and Research Services for Parliaments Sectionen_US
dc.contributor.authorFuentes, Josefa
dc.contributor.authorAnderson, Julie
dc.contributor.authorRosales Salinas, Fabiola Elena
dc.contributor.authorTheodosi, Iouliani
dc.contributor.authorSilveira, Janice
dc.contributor.authorGraafland, Henriët
dc.contributor.authorNakazawa, Aya
dc.contributor.authorTzadok, Deena
dc.contributor.authorBlagojević Miljanić, Jelisaveta
dc.contributor.authorMusić, Daria
dc.contributor.authorJoão Amante, Maria
dc.contributor.authorRevez, Maria Elisabete
dc.contributor.authorAleixo, Rita
dc.contributor.authorScheerer, Holger
dc.contributor.authorRittelmeyer, Yann-Sven
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Shuguang
dc.contributor.authorChen, Ning
dc.contributor.authorWatt, Iain
dc.contributor.authorDe Vrieze, Franklin
dc.contributor.authorMénard, Carolyne
dc.description.abstractIssue contents: 1. Message from the Chair 2. The 38th IFLAPARL Pre-Conference 2.1. Information on the Pre-Conference 2.2. The Library of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. An introduction 3. JOIN US 4. IFLA WLIC 5. NEWS 5.1. Joint Seminars between the National Diet Library, the National Assembly Library of Korea, and the National Assembly Research Service 5.2. International seminar hosted by the Israeli Knesset -Parliamentary Research Services-, Interfaces and Circles of Influence 5.3. The Library of the Parliament of Montenegro: Collections' Classification 5.4. News from the Passos Manuel Library of the Assembleia da República of Portugal 5.5. News from the Research Service and the Library of the Bundestag, Germany 5.6. The Documentation and Information Center highlights, Brazil 5.7. News from the Mexican Chamber of Deputies 5.8. EPRS-ECPRD seminar on parliamentary scrutiny 5.9. News from the National Library of China 6. KALEIDOSCOPE 6.1. 2o Encuentro de la Red Federal de Bibliotecas Parlamentarias de la República Argentina. 40 años de democracia 6.2. Red Parlamenta 7. NEW BOOKS, ARTICLES, REPORTS & INVITATIONS 7.1. Research Week in the National Assembly of Zambia 7.2. To what extend do parliaments defend democracy in authoritarian contexts? 7.3. Data-Driven Democracy, Guidelines on the use of AI on the parliamentary workspace and a Handbook on Parliamentary Administration 7.4. Documentation et bibliothèques, a journal for library and information science 8. IFLAPARL PROJECTS 8.1. COMLAW 8.2. Parliamentary Bibliographical Heritage 9. New Committee Members Welcome 10. Call for content on IFLAPARL’s Social Media STANDING COMMITTEE MEMBERSen_US
dc.publisherInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)en_US
dc.rights.holderInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)en_US
dc.rights.licenseCC BY 4.0en_US
dc.subjectSubject::Library and research services for parliamentsen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Parliamentary librariesen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Parliamentary networksen_US
dc.titleNewsletter: Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, July 2023en_US
ifla.UnitUnits::Section::Library and Research Services for Parliaments Sectionen_US


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