Action Plan 2021-2023: Local History and Genealogy Section
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Focus Area 1
Identify and map organizations, institutions, associations, etc. and create a template to develop a database
Focus Area 2
Identify current standard practices at local history collections and genealogy collections so as to develop guidelines and other resources that will foster good professional practice. What are similarities? What are differences? How can the practices inform each other so that ultimately local history and genealogy resources are shareable and, in turn, become valuable across the regions.
Focus Area 3
Identify and implement strategies that will enable managers, curators, and librarians of local history and genealogy collections to network and collaborate virtually so that they can be a stronger voice in the global conversation about the power of information resources.
Subject::Genealogy, Subject::Genealogy and local history, Subject::Local history, Subject::Professional Units