Action Plan 2021-2023: Europe Regional Division Committee

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


Focus areas of this action plan include supporting countries in Europe to engage effectively in their own Voluntary National Reviews; working with other European library associations in order to develop shared approaches around the SDGs; organising introductions to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) topics, and working to encourage national library associations to get involved in their own national IGF meetings; organising a conference on scientific information and libraries; developing a libraries in Europe starter pack that can be shared with ministers and other key contacts; boosting communication about the RDC’s work, and in particular looking to combine with efforts to promote the Public Library Manifesto as a means of demonstrating what IFLA is about; promoting the sharing of more recent data on the Library Map of the World (LMW), promoting country profiles for all European countries, and to look at options to enrich the types of data available on the LMW, for example around digital libraries; clarifying roles, responsibilities and methods of working in order to ensure both a successful WLIC 2023 session, and a handover document for the 2023-25 edition of the Committee.



Subject::Advocacy, Subject::Library Map of the World, Subject::UN Sustainable Development Goals, Subject::Impact

