Realising the Potential: Integrating Libraries into Adult Learning and Education Strategies (Full Report)


In many countries, the initial development of adult education and that of public libraries were one and the same thing. Giving the possibility to people outside of the formal education system to learn, discover and build their skills was – and continues to be – at the heart of the mission of libraries, not least as highlighted by the UNESCO-IFLA Public Library Manifesto. Public and community libraries represent a dense global network – on a very conservative estimate, there is one such library for every 16 000 people, and many more in some countries. They are staffed by trained and dedicated professionals, have strong brand recognition, and often organised into systems at the regional or national levels, providing opportunities to scale up interventions. However, is this potential being realised? While library policies themselves often accentuate the function of supporting learning, are policies for adult and lifelong education doing the same? Research prepared by IFLA suggests that national laws and strategies may be under-valuing, based on the prevalence of references to libraries and their role. However, it also highlights models to follow – policies that recognise the role that libraries can play, and which look to make the most of this to the benefit of adult learners.



Subject::Adult education, Subject::Education, Subject::Lifelong learning, Subject::Learning centres, Subject::Skills
