IFLA Publications

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    IFLA Stratejisi 2024-2029
    (2025-01-24) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    IFLA'nın 2024-2029 Stratejisi, Federasyonu yüzüncü yılının ötesine ve hatta neredeyse Birleşmiş Milletler'in 2030 Gündeminin ötesine taşıyacaktır. Her iki dönüm noktası da uzun vadeye odaklanmayı, görmek istediğimiz dünya hakkında net olmayı ve kütüphaneler ile IFLA'nın oynayabileceği rolün altını çiziyor. IFLA’nın 2024-2029 stratejisi IFLA’ya dair bugünkü algıları ve geleceğe dair temennileri anlamak isteyen üyeler ve gönüllülerin katıldığı anketler ve müzakereler aracılığıyla şekillendirildi.2024-2029 stratejisi reçete sunmayı amaçlamıyor, bunun yerine bu alandaki herkesin kendi planını geliştirmesine ışık tutan daha geniş bir çerçeve sunuyor. İstediğimiz dünyaya ilişkin net bir vizyonun yanı sıra IFLA'nın oraya ulaşmak için kütüphaneleri nasıl destekleyebileceğini ortaya koyan bir değişim teorisi sunmaktadır. IFLA'nın planları için sürekli bir referans, ilerlemeyi ölçmek için bir çerçeve ve başka alanlarda strateji geliştirmeye yardımcı olacak potansiyel bir model görevi görecektir. Ayrıca, IFLA'nın uluslararası bir federasyon olarak farklı kültürlerden, dil topluluklarından, coğrafyalardan ve deneyimlerden gelen insanları bir araya getiren, onlar için bir platform sağlayan ve sonuçlar sunan doğasını yansıtacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
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    So you want to organise a library leadership programme...
    (2025-01-23) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    This guide, based on the work prepared by AFLI for IFLA and SIGL, aims to take you through the series of decisions you will want to make when preparing a library leadership programme. At each stage, you should read this paper in conjunction with the AFLI report, as well as the data reference file, which lists programmes and allows you to filter them in different ways, in order to look in more depth at real-world examples from which you can learn. It is presented as a series of questions that you will need to answer as you plan for a course. It is designed to make these choices explicit and so make sure that you can think through all of the options when preparing such a course. The questions are cumulative – you do not necessarily need to answer them in order (and indeed, the answers to some are likely to be closely linked to those of others).
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    Learning to lead: a scan of global library field practice
    (2025-01-17) Saleh, Emad Eisa; Alsereihy, Hassan A.; Ismail, Heba Mohammed; Hassan, Rasha Essmat
    Leadership in libraries and related fields plays a crucial role in creating an innovative and productive environment. It affects the operational effectiveness of libraries and their capacity to adjust, develop, and meet the changing needs of their communities. A major focus for IFLA is ensuring that emerging leaders have opportunities to gain experience and recognition. As a result, IFLA is keen to provide its members with a reference document that outlines the types of leadership programmes available, highlighting their commonalities, differences, and evidence of impacts where possible. The Learning to Lead: A Scan of Global Library Field Practice is the firstof-its-kind IFLA publication, aiming to provide a representative and comprehensive overview of leadership programmes run by library associations, libraries, museums, archives, and related organisations. It identifies their objectives, methods, and impact data, as well as key features and commonalities. It also aims to support library associations and libraries in their own decision-making about leadership programmes, and enable IFLA to make strategic decisions regarding its future leadership initiatives.
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    Marrakesh Monitoring Report 2025
    (2025-01-16) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    This is the latest update of IFLA's Marrakesh Monitoring Report, which surveys available information about legislation in place that implements the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with visual impairments, notably highlighting how far countries have adopted the most permissive rules possible, in order to maximise access to information and so tackle the book famine.
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    Understanding Library Field Structures
    (2025-01-16) Chowcat, Ian; Baker, David; Ellis, Lucy
    The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), as part of its partnership with Stichting IFLA Global Libraries, wishes to develop the potential for libraries of all kinds to contribute to systematic changes across a wide range of policy goals. To do so, libraries in a particular country or region need to act together in a library field. This project aimed to test out the concept and its potential application by discovering realworld examples where library fields have formed the basis of public benefit projects. To do so, David Baker Consulting (DBC) set out to identify the key factors which make for successful library engagement. We believe that the range and seniority of the voices heard as part of our research, together with the extensive desk research and the interactive workshops give a high degree of confidence in our findings. It is hoped that this report will enable the use of library fields as a central concept in future development of libraries.
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    Make your voice heard - understanding who nominates for what in IFLA
    (2025-01-06) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    This report analyses the share of IFLA members who used their right to nominate in our 2023 nominations and elections process. It underlines that many IFLA members are not making the most of this key benefit of their membership of the Federation.
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    IFLA Guidelines for making libraries accessible for people with disabilities
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2024-12) IFLA Equitable and Accessible Library Services Section; Winkelstein, Julie; Bolt, Nancy
    These guidelines are a revision of the “Access to Libraries for Persons with Disabilities Checklist,” published in 2005. The original guidelines continue to be useful in libraries, but the climate concerning people with disabilities worldwide has changed significantly since the original publication. There has been notable progress in the field of library services to persons with disabilities, particularly in the areas of assistive technology, electronic formats, and online communication tools. These revised guidelines will allow libraries, disability groups, and support organizations to work together for effective library services to persons with disabilities. In addition, these partnerships will help promote accessible libraries in the community.
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    The Basics of Grant-Based Partnerships
    (2024-12-18) K2P2
    Learn the basics of forming grant-based partnerships, with K2P2. Here you can find an overall partnerships toolkit, as well as three How-To Guides. These also relate to the recorded training session available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI6QY6kOi3s. This work was financially supported by Stichting IFLA Global Libraries, which was set up by IFLA and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to administer the grant provided by the Foundation to support IFLA's work.
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    IFLA Journal. December 2024
    (SAGE, 2024-12-17) Bossaller, Jenny; Aparac-Jelušić, Tatjana; Lor, Peter Johan; Boyd Rayward, Warden; Carroll, Mary; Garrison, Kasey; Oddone, Kay; Wakeling, Simon; Castellucci, Paola; Fontanin, Matilde; Vincenti, Raffaella; Schachter, Debbie; Millward, Debbie; Garret, Jeffrey; Prado, Jorge Moisés Kroll do; Witt, Steve
    This special issue, dedicated to library history, draws upon papers presented at the August 2023 IFLA Library History Special Interest Group (SIG) satellite meeting in Mons, Belgium titled “Preserving our origins: Approaches to the organization, curation, and historiography of the record of national and international organizations in libraries, information, and documentation” along with general submissions to the journal that aligned well with the issue’s theme. The discussions presented at the Library History meeting in Mons emphasised the importance of capturing both celebrated and overlooked aspects of the record-keeping processes of library associations, as well as key themes relevant to library history more generally. To facilitate a more coherent understanding, the articles presented can be organized into three distinct categories: Archival Practices and Institutional Memory, International Collaboration and the Role of Libraries in Global Information Systems, and Libraries as Cultural Institutions.
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    New Horizons in Artificial Intelligence in Libraries
    (De Gruyter Saur, 2024-12-16) Balnaves, Edmund; Bultrini, Leda; Cox, Andrew; Uzwyshyn, Raymond
    There is increasing use of AI technologies in many aspects of library operations and types of libraries. This ranges across public, national, research, academic and special libraries and includes public and reference services, automated classification, special and research collections, archives and customer service through chatbots and discovery systems. Vendors are also adding elements of AI in new and existing library products including search and discovery and research platforms and recommender systems. The role and impact of AI present opportunities and challenges and open future possibilities. IT plays a significant role in the development and use of AI technologies, but ethical considerations and wider organizational thinking must also play an equally significant role. AI’s uses can have considerable impact and possible unintended consequences on library operations and services and wider societal implications. All of this is considered in this both pragmatic and wider philosophical text. This publication provides an opportunity to explore developing new library AI paradigms, including present use case practical implementation and opportunities on the horizon as well as current large ethics questions and needs for transparency, scenario planning, considerations and implications of bias as library AI systems are developed and implemented presently and for our collective future.
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    IFLA Guidelines for Libraries Supporting Displaced Persons: Refugees | Migrants | Immigrants | Asylum seekers
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-12-16) Gerasimidou, Despina; Bolt, Nancy; Rakočević Uvodić, Maela; Siebens, Anne; Okerson, Ann
    In the face of the largest global refugee crisis since the second world war, library support to displaced persons is one of the most vital things that we as library community can provide right now. Libraries play a crucial role as trusted community spaces and welcoming sanctuaries for all, regardless of their displacement, limbo state, or any kind of intersectional vulnerability they may face at the same time, like gender identity, childhood, third age, or disability. With this work libraries contribute to the two-way integration process: they empower displaced individuals to integrate into the host communities, helping them recover from their traumas, while they also allow both displaced and host communities to learn from each other and appreciate the cultural diversity. The first-ever IFLA guidelines for libraries supporting displaced populations aim to serve as a vehicle to expand the traditional role of librarianship, entering a new learning space for libraries.
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    ቤተ-መጻህፍትንና ልማትን አስመልክቶ የቤተ -መጻህፍት ማህበራትና ተቋማት ዓለም -አቀፍ ፌዴሬሽን ያወጣው መሪ -ሃሳብ [2013]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-08) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    መረጃዎችን በቀላሉ ማግኘት የድህነትን አዙሪት የሚሰብር እና ዘላቂ ልማትን ለማምጣት የሚረዳ መሠረታዊ ሰብዓዊ መብት ነው፡፡ በብዙ ማህበረሰቦች ዘንድ ሰዎች ትምህርታቸውን ለማሻሻል፣ አዳዲስ ችሎታዎችን ለማዳበር ወይም ሥራዎችን ለማግኘት፣ የንግድ ሥራዎቻቸውን ለማሳደግ፣ በዕውቀት ላይ የተመሰረተ የግብርና ወይም የጤና ውሳኔዎችን ለመወሰን፣ ወይም ስላለው የአየር ንብረት ሁኔታ በቂ ግንዛቤ ለማግኘት እንዲረዷቸው መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት የሚሄዱባቸው ብቸኛ ሥፍራዎች ቤተ-መጻህፍት ናቸው፡፡ መረጃዎች በተለያየ ቅርጽ በቀላሉ እንዲገኙ በማድረግና በዚህ በየጊዜው እየተለዋወጠና ውስብስብ እየሆነ በመጣ ማህበረሰብ ውስጥ ለመረጃ ፍላጎቶች ምላሽ ለመስጠት የሚያስችል አገልግሎቶችንና ፕሮግራሞችን በማቅረብ በኩል ያላቸው ልዩ ሚና ቤተ-መጻህፍትን እጅግ አስፈላጊ የልማት
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    IFLA Statement on Libraries and Development [2013]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2013-08-16) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    Access to information is a fundamental human right that can break the cycle of poverty and support sustainable development. The library is the only place in many communities where people can access information that will help improve their education, develop new skills, find jobs, build businesses, make informed agricultural and health decisions, or gain insights into environmental issues. Their unique role makes libraries important development partners, both by providing access to information in all formats and by delivering services and programmes that meet the needs for information in a changing and increasingly complex society. As the United Nations moves to establish a post-2015 framework to guide development worldwide, IFLA calls upon all stakeholders to recognise that libraries, in every part of the world, can be reliable mechanisms for underpinning the delivery of sustainable development programmes.
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    LRMoo: object-oriented definition and mapping from the IFLA Library Reference Model
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-12-09) Aalberg, Trond; Riva, Pat; Žumer, Maja
    LRMoo is a conceptual model that expresses the IFLA Library Reference Model (IFLA LRM) in an object-oriented modeling framework. Developed through joint work in the library and museum communities, it is compatible with and an extension of the museum community model, the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM). LRMoo version 1.0 is aligned with CIDOC CRM version 7.1.3. LRMoo is a high-level, compact model, with a minimum of hierarchy between classes. LRMoo is tightly aligned with IFLA LRM and reflects its decisions about scope and granularity. LRMoo supersedes FRBRoo version 2.4 (2016), the object-oriented model that was aligned with the superseded FR models: FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD. Transition information from FRBRoo to LRMoo is included.
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    IFLA Journal. October 2024
    (SAGE, 2024-11-25) Bangani, Siviwe; Wann, Tiplut; Khongtim, Jiarlimon; Carey Chyne, Rudolf; Bamgbose, Adeoye Augustine; Mohd, Masnizah; Tengku Wook, Tengku Siti Meriam; Mohamed, Hazura; Nwagwu, Williams E.; Adeyemi, Ismail Olatunji; Oladayiye, Precious Oluwagbemi; Odunayo, Ayomide Oluwatobilola; Omolokun, Bukola Funmilayo; Fakorede, Eniola Yusrah; Oriyomi Olayinka, Isaac; Arebamen Eiriemiokhale, Kennedy; Son, Suhyoung; Ul Islam, Md. Shifat; Islam, Md. Anwarul; Widén, Gunilla; Alam, Md Jahangir; Matin, Wares-Ul; Begum, Bilkis; Roy, Prodip; Habib, Md. Ahasan; Kisilowska-Szurmińska, Małgorzata; Kann-Rasmussen, Nanna; Paul, Magdalena; Manista, Gabriela; Pietrzkiewicz, Dorota; Grabowska, Dorota; Lee, Pei-Chun; Akter, Taslima; Zabed Ahmed, S.M.; Flores, Roana Marie; Morales, Mark Johnyrec; Devi, Sapna; Gupta, Dinesh K.; Arahova, Antonia; Witt, Steve
    The October 2024 issue of the IFLA Journal presents a diverse collection of research articles that underscore the vital roles libraries play in promoting sustainable development, advancing information literacy, and developing community engagement. This issue collectively illustrates the multifaceted roles of libraries in advancing societal goals, enhancing information literacy, and fostering inclusivity and collaboration within institutions and across communities. As libraries continue to adapt to global challenges, their commitment to innovation, sustainability and community engagement remains essential in shaping a more informed and equitable world. As made clear by these articles, there is still much work to be done to advance these ambitions of the LIS professions.
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    IFLA Workshop on Strong and Sustainable Library Fields in LAC/Taller de la IFLA sobre los sectores biblietecarios fuertes y sostenibles - Slides
    Please find here the slides used at the second day of the IFLA workshop on strong and sustainable library fields in Latin America and the Caribbean. This workshop was funded by SIGL. Por favor encuentren aquí los diapositivos del segundo día del taller de la IFLA sobre los sectores bibliotecarios fuertes y sostenibles en America Latina y el Caribe. Este taller fue financiado por SIGL.
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    Informe de Tendencias de la IFLA 2024: Revisión bibliográfica (Edición inicial)
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-11-21) Dezuanni, Michael; Osman, Kim; Subdirección Traducciones de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación Argentina
    Siguiendo el modelo de la edición original de 2013, así como las actualizaciones posteriores, el Informe de Tendencias 2024 está diseñado para proporcionar una herramienta vital al ámbito bibliotecario para planificar el futuro. Se trata de la primera gran revisión del Informe desde el original, una oportunidad apasionante para volver a lo básico. La primera fase del Informe 2024 consiste en una revisión bibliográfica, basada en ideas de distintas disciplinas y de todo el mundo, sobre lo que puede estar impulsando el futuro de la información y el conocimiento. Este enfoque -más amplio que el de las bibliotecas, pero no tanto como para abarcarlo todo- pretende proporcionar un punto de referencia clave para nuestro campo, tanto en nuestro propio trabajo como en nuestra colaboración con otros. La revisión bibliográfica es obra del profesor Michael Dezuanni y la doctora Kim Osman, del Centro de Investigación de Medios Digitales de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
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    IFLA Workshop on Strong and Sustainable Library Fields in LAC/Taller de la IFLA sobre los sectores bibliotecarios fuertes y sostenibles en ALC
    There are the presentations used on the first day of the IFLA workshop on strong and sustainable library fields in LAC in Buenos Aires, 20-21 November 2024. Estas son las presentaciones usadas en el primer día del taller de la IFLA sobre los sectores bibliotecarios fuertes y sostenibles en Buenos Aires, 20-21 de noviembre 2024.
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    Championing Intellectual Freedom – Structuring and Focusing Library Efforts
    (2024-11-16) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    Key Findings • There are many different ways of going about working on intellectual freedom, from who leads work, what type of activity is pursued, what aspects of intellectual freedom are explored and more • Regardless of region or association size, there is usually an example of a library association or field mobilising in some way around intellectual freedom • There is a strong range of materials and references presented that can be used by other libraries, associations and agencies.
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    IFLA Strategy 2024-2029 - Introduction Presentation
    (2024-11-13) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    This presentation is designed to introduce the IFLA Strategy 2024-2029 and its different action areas and elements