IFLA Multi-Level Advocacy Model

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The below table sets out a high-level model for how we think about how we can shape the policy environment to the benefit of libraires. It is based on the idea that different decisions are made and shaped at different levels. Of course, this will vary according to the policy in question, and often the country or region in question. For example, in Europe or Southeast Asia, many more policies will be determined at the regional level than elsewhere. Policies are also run differently, with some countries deciding on education policies nationally, while others leave them to regions or even local areas. The table aims to give an idea of how work at the level of IFLA can contribute to wider library advocacy, and in particular to show how we believe that working globally can make it easier to achieve advocacy wins (laws, funding, partnerships) at the local and national levels. For example, through working with UNESCO to update and agree the UNESCO-IFLA Public Library Manifesto (something that IFLA is uniquely placed to do), we now have a text that can be promoted to national and local governments as a reference for what they should enable public libraries to do (something that national associations and individual libraries alone can do).



Subject::Advocacy, Subject::Library advocacy
