Get into SDG Action Week 2022

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Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Action Week takes place around the anniversary of the agreement of the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda in 2015. Organised by the UN and civil society platforms, it is an opportunity both to raise awareness around the SDGs and show how different actors – including libraries – are delivering on them. This year, the focus is on ‘flipping the script’ – demonstrating that change is possible, despite how far we still need to go in order to achieve the SDGs. Climate, justice and peace will be on the agenda. With the half-way point in the 2030 Agenda imminent, it is a great opportunity to offer a reminder of their commitments made in 2015, and an illustration of the actions taken by libraries and others to deliver progress. This guide explains more about the celebrations, and about how libraries can get involved, and get their contributions noticed.



Subject::UN Sustainable Development Goals
