Backlog Project @ PPAS: amid the pandemic challenge
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The project was launched by Selangor Public Library Corporation to handle the backlog issues involving the cataloguing and physical processing of library materials that had been piling up before and during the series of Movement Control Order implemented by the federal government of Malaysia since 18 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, where library services were closed to the public for a certain period of time. In order to ensure the backlog collection was shelf-ready for circulation and use upon recommencing library services, the management had engaged 101 employees from all departments at the headquarters in a collaborative effort to speed up the process. Certain regulations and standard operating procedure were observed during this period to promote a safe working environment. From 18 May 2020 to 31 December 2020, the library had processed 222,767 library materials acquired through purchase, gift or donation. From this figure, 53.2% was of 2020 acquisition. Successful backlog management has helped to stabilize workflow, encourage knowledge and skill transfers as well as enhance workplace solidarity.
Subject::Management, Subject::Library collections, Subject::Library management