Minutes of Meetings: Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section, 03 October 2024
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International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA)
The Document Delivery and Resource Sharing (DDRS) Standing Committee met as per the monthly meeting and discussed the the updates on the DDRS guidelines whcih are still in progress.. The Interlending and Document Supply Conference 2024 will be held in Baku between 2-4 Dec. and the planning is going well, with finalization of the program and strategies to market widely and encourage librarians to participate. The third point showed updates on the 4th webinar to be held in November in Spanish for the South American population. The fourth point discussed the participation of the RSCVD group in ILDS . In the fifth point, Katia shared the new collaborative project between the Bodleain Library in Oxford and the Qatar National Library to help the Palestinian Scholars with scanned documents. The project was shared to see how the DDRS Committee can help in the process. It was recommende do contact key section in UNRWA or ESCWA (UN agencies) and add the RSCVD link on their website and encourage libraries to sign in. By that they will receive documents from all over the world. The meeting ended with a 15 minutes presetnation on how the ILL is done in Sweden. This is part of the International Perspectives pointL to gain more insight on how others countries handle the Resoruce Sharing.
Document delivery, Interlibrary loans