Development of Reading Appreciation Checklist for Book Recommendation function in a Book Club Platform

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


The purpose of this study is to develop Reading Appreciation Checklist to apply to the book recommendation function in a book club platform. As reading comprehension is prerequisite for reading appreciation, researchers analyzed research articles on reading comprehension to find out the core factors on reading comprehension and categorize them. Studies on reader response theory and literacy education were also examined: key words and phrases that will stimulate readers' response to reading were extracted and formed as questions. These questions were reviewed by experts on reading education. This Reading Appreciation Checklist will be applied to a book club platform and tested on different age groups. The result of this study will bring useful insight to book club members and individual readers in terms of book recommendation process, and thus encourage more people to participate in book clubs.



Subject::Literacy and reading, Subject::Literacy, Subject::Reading programmes
