Library named after Oralkhan Bokey is the engine of digital literacy
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
The project "VR-yurt" - studio in 2019 was implemented. Virtual locations are created in the Unreal Engine program, children are trained in courses on 3D modeling, virtual drawing in the Tilt Brush program.
The project “The Road to Space Begins in the Library” was implemented in 2020.
The library has a mobile planetarium, which children visit for free. They develop cognitive activity in the field of space and interest in scientific and technical knowledge.
The IT-arular mektebi project to teach programming and modeling to girls was implemented in 2022-2023.
1200 girls learned programming and modern IT technologies to change the gender inequality in choosing a profession.
The Jasyl Ui Environmental Center project has been implemented since 2022.
The children's digital eco-laboratory with an electron microscope and a set for studying the indicators of water, air and soil in the city has been created. The Electronic "Red Book of the East Kazakhstan region" has been created.
Subject::Digital literacy, Subject::Knowledge sharing, Subject::Library services to children and young adults, Subject::Digital skills, Subject::UN Sustainable Development Goals