《第62 届国际包联大会》纪念邮资俋封 / The 62nd IFLA General Conference, Beijing 1996 [Commemorative Stamp]

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Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China


国际图书馆协会联合会(英文缩写为!FLA),是非官方的国际专业学术组织,民联合国教科文A 级顾问机构,成立至今已有69 年历史。它的宗旨是促进世界囡书馆界、信息界的相互了解、合作、交流、研究和发展。第62 届国际囡联大会定千1996 年8 月25 日至31 日在北京召开,主题是:.变玉的挑战:囡书馆与经济发展飞大会将围绕该 主题探讨世纪之交图书馆情损工作的任务,交流经验,促进和川强国际合作。为庆贺和纪念世界图书馆界首次在中国召开的这一盛会,邮电部定千1996 年8 月25 巳发行纪念邮资信封一枚。/ "IFLA is an international non-government professional academic organization and has consultative status "A" with UNESCO. Since its founding, IFLA has a history of 69 years. IFLA aims to further the cause of librarianship. Its primary function was to provide librarians throughout the world with a general forum for international contacts and exchange of ideas and experiences, principally in the field of bibliography. The 62nd IFLA General Conference is held on August 25 - 31, 1996 in Beijing, China. The theme for the General Conference is: the Challenge of Change: Libraries and Economic Development. Focusing on the theme the General Conference will discuss tasks lied ahead of the library and information community at the turn of centuries, exchange experiences, promote and enhance international cooperation. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People's Republic of China issued a commemorative cover on August 25, 1996 to congratulate and commemorate the grand conference held in China for the first time by IFLA."



World Library and Information Congress, International librarianship, Library and information history

