IFLA History

Publications and archival material related to IFLA’s founding in 1927, its relations with other international bodies, plus reports on trends, past congresses, governance, membership, strategic planning, news, reports, and various activities. Most material created before 2000.


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    Libraries and the Challenge of Change — Jamaica, April 1972 [photograph]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1972-04) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    IFLA Secretary General Margreet Wijnstroom at the "Libraries and the Challenge of Change" international library conference held in Kingston, Jamacia from 24–29 April 1972. The conference took place during "...the first period in IFLA's history in which a distinct participation of colleagues from developing countries in IFLA's work can be perceived." [IFLA progress report: July 1971–July 1972]
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    Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, IFLA Secretary General Margreet Wijnstroom, and IFLA President Else Granheim, September 1982 [photograph]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1982) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    L to R: IFLA Secretary General Margreet Wijnstroom, IFLA President Else Granheim, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. "IFLA’s New Headquarters in the Royal Library, The Hague: Although the festive opening of the Royal Library on 28 September 1982 was not at the same time as the opening of IFLA HQ, the staff of IFLA nevertheless felt that some of the glory was reflecting on them. And that glory was in particular the fact that the Queen of the Netherlands [Beatrix] performed the opening ceremony. Later she talked to various IFLA colleagues who were in The Hague for the International Symposium, reported elsewhere in this issue of the Journal. The Queen in particular discussed IFLA’s activities in the Third World." [IFLA Journal 9 (1983) 1, p. 45-46]
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    IFLA Headquarters, 1971 [photograph]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1971) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    From 1971-1982, IFLA Headquarters was located in the the 'Nederlands Congresgebouw' (World Forum) in The Hague, The Netherlands.
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    IFLA Worldwide Seminar 1976, Seoul, Korea [group photographs]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1976) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    Photographs from the IFLA Worldwide Seminar 1976, held in Seoul, Korea from 31 May – 5 June 1976. The seminar was the "...first conference ever organized by IFLA in a developing country."
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    38th Session of the IFLA Council, 28 August – 2 September 1972, Budapest, Hungary [group photographs]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1972) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    Group photographs featuring delegates at the 38th Session of the IFLA Council, which took place from 28 August – 2 September 1972 in Budapest, Hungary.
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    IFLA and the role of libraries; what the International Federation of Library Associations is, does and is planning to do [1975]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1975) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    "This pamphlet aims at illustrating the practical results and continuing efforts of international librarianship in the framework of IFIA. It starts with the two major policy objectives for the near future: Universal Bibliographic Control, true Universality of IFLA, and cooperation in the UNESCO NATIS (National Information Systems) program. The pamphlet then continues with examples of Section and Committee work, a description of the General Conferences, and the history and structure of the Federation. Finally the conditions for membership are explained and a list of publications is added."[from the Introduction]
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    IFLA's Professional Priorities [2001]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2001-01) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    5-language (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian) outline of IFLA's Professional Priorities, as of January 2001: "The Professional Priorities outlined in this document will provide guidance in the development of IFLA’s professional activities. These priorities are to be incorporated into the professional programmes throughout IFLA’s organizational structure, recognizing especially that the needs, concerns and views of every region of the world are to be taken into account, particularly those in the developing world. Regional concerns, communication and information exchange among IFLA’s members, and the use of electronic technology to facilitate the implementation of its priorities underpin all of these professional priorities."
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    IFLA Programme à moyen terme 1998-2001
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1998) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); McCallum, Sally M.
    « Les activités de l'IFLA résultent des travaux de ses différentes Divisions, Sections, Tables Rondes et programmes fondamentaux. Afin de coordonner et d'orienter les activités de chaque groupe professionnel, un plan directeur a été développé par chaque unité en 1997, sous la direction du Bureau professionnel de l'IFLA. C'est le sixième plan depuis la publication, en 1963, du premier plan directeur à long terme Les bibliothèques dans le monde. »
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    IFLA Mittelfristiges Programm 1998 - 2001
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1998) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); McCallum, Sally M.
    "Die Tätigkeit der IFLA setzt sich aus den Aktivitäten der Abteilungen, Sektionen, Arbeitskreise und Kernprogramme zusammen. Um Ordnung und Orientierung in ihre Aktivitäten zu bringen, wurde 1997 von jeder Fachgruppe unter der Leitung des Fachrats der IFLA ein Plan entwickelt. Es ist das sechste Programmplanungsdokument der IFLA, das seit dem ersten langfristigen Leitfaden, „Bibliotheken in der Welt“, der 1963 veröffentlicht wurde, erstellt worden ist."
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    IFLA programa a medio plazo 1998-2001
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1998) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); McCallum, Sally M.
    "Las actividades de la IFLA están constituídas por las actividades de sus Divisiones, Secciones, Mesas Redondas y Programas Fundamentales. En 1997 y con el fin de ordenar y orientar sus actividades, cada grupo profesional desarrolló un plan bajo la dirección del Comité Profesional de la IFLA. Se trata del sexto documento de planificación programática de la IFLA desde la publicación en 1963 de Libraries in the World, primera guía a largo plazo."
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    IFLA Medium Term Programme 1998-2001
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1998) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); McCallum, Sally M.
    "IFLA activities are a composite of the activities of its Divisions, Sections, Round Tables, and Core Programmes. To bring order and orientation to their activities, a plan for each professional group was developed by each unit in 1997 under the direction of the IFLA Professional Board. This is the sixth IFLA programme planning document prepared since the first long-term guide, Libraries in the World, was published in 1963." [from the Introduction]
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    Annual Report: IFLA Universal Dataflow and Telecommunications (UDT) Core Programme, 1996
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1997-03) Swain, Leigh
    "The UDT Programme Plan for 1996 continued to follow the goals and objectives set out in the 1992-1997 Medium-Term Plan and IFLA’s Long-Term Policy. The UDT Core Programme remains the focal point for the promotion of the international and national exchange of electronic data and works to provide the library community with pragmatic approaches to electronic communications and resource sharing. The 1996 Work Plan reflected a recognition of the potential impact of information technology and telecommunications on the nature and breadth of library services. This focus is in line with IFLA’s Long-Term Policy to influence the development and application of information and telecommunications technologies in order to assist librarians in providing services responsive to the changing needs of library users. This trend towards increased use of informatics technologies in libraries will continue in 1997. Dialogue and cooperation with the other IFLA sections, divisions, round tables and core programmes remains a priority." [Leigh Swain, UDT Programme Director]
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    La IFLA : 50 años de servicio a la bibliotecología internacional — carácter de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Bibliotecas de su trabajo y de sus proyectos para el futuro
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1977) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    Objetivos y actividades de la IFLA en 1977, divididos en ocho partes: 1. La IFLA: 50 años de biblioteconomía internacional 2. La IFLA como organización La IFLA como organización 3. Membresía y Afiliación 4. 4. Divisiones y Secciones 5. Desarrollo Regional Desarrollo Regional 6. Unidades operativas de la IFLA 7. Publicaciones 8. Acerca de la IFLA
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    The IFLA ALP (Advancement of Librarianship in Developing Countries) Programme : A Bibliography 1966-1990
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1991) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA); Johansson, Eve
    "The origin of this bibliography was a literature search carried out in connection with the ALP study - a study of the operation, funding and future programme of a permanent IFLA office to support the ALP Core Programme. The study was initiated by Sveriges Allmanna Biblioteksforening, the Swedish Library Association (SAB), by agreement with the IFLA Executive Board, funded by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Agency, and carried out by Birgitta Bergdahl, Chief Librarian at the University of Linkoping in Sweden. It was based at Uppsala University. The report of the study was published by Sveriges Allmanna Biblioteksforening as ALP. A proposal for the future (Stockholm 1990) and presented as a paper at the IFLA General Conference in Stockholm in August 1990 by Birgitta Bergdahl. Third world membership in IFLA is increasingly important, and has historically been surprisingly strong - two members out of 25 in the membership list published in 1931, 28 out of 116 members in the 1967 /8 membership list, 37 out of 262 in 1971, and 261 out of 1005 in 1981 . Presently almost 70% of the countries that have members in IFLA are third world countries. This has not however always meant, and still does not quite mean, correspondingly high numbers of participants at IFLA conferences or on standing committees, or a proportionate influence on decision-making." [Eve Johansson, from the Introduction]
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    The IFLA Core Programme for the Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World [1994]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1994) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    5-year (1992-1997) workplan and goals for the IFLA ALP Programme.
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    IFLA's programme advancement of librarianship in the third world : ALP : a proposal for the future [1990]
    (Sveriges Allmänna Biblioteksförening, Stockholm, 1990) Bergdahl, Birgitta
    "This report with proposals for the future of IFLA' s ALP Programme is a result of a project which I have carried out for IFLA by appointment of the Swedish Library Association (SAB) with financial support from the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA). The terms of reference for the project were formulated by IFLA's Headquarters and were in brief the following: 1) to define realistic objectives for ALP; 2) to propose programme contents and priorities; 3) to outline the structure and organization of ALP; 4) to undertake consultations with future hosts of the programme, including the involvement of Sweden; 5) to define the funding sources for the programme and to start preliminary negotiations with potential main sponsors; to propose modalities of programme launching, implementation and functioning." [Birgitta Bergdahl, from the Introduction]
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    IFLA and the Third World : the IFLA core programme on the advancement of librarianship in the Third World (ALP) [1987]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1987) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    "This brochure, which was originally compiled for a goodwill mission through Scandinavia (December 1986, see 5.2.11) has now been updated and is added to the biennial report of the Secretary General (IFLA Trends 1985-1986) to supplement the chapter of the Regional Activities of IFLA. It is hoped that the brochure may give an idea of what IFLA has achieved so far, and what the challenges of today and tomorrow are." [Margreet Wijnstroom, from the Introduction]
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    IFLA and the Third World : the IFLA core programme on the advancement of librarianship in the Third World (ALP) [1986]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1986) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    "The present brochure deals with a concerted effort to mobilize all available professional and financial resources to improve the situation of librarianship and of the users of libraries in the parts of the world where librarianship is still emerging. It is IFLA's firm belief that there exists in fact only one world of librarianship, and that any action taken must be directed to ensure that the yawning gap between the provision of library services in the various parts of the world is narrowed, and - eventually - even closed." [Margreet Wijnstroom, from the Introduction]
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    11th Session of the IFLA Council, 4–5 July 1938, Brussels, Belgium [group photograph]
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1938-07) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    Group photograph featuring delegates at the 11th Session of the IFLA Council, which took place from 4–5 July 1938 in Brussels, Belgium. Reproduced in the 'Actes du Comité international des bibliothèques, v. X'. "La onzième session du Comité international des Bibliothèques s'est tenue à la Fondation Universitaire de Bruxelles les 4 et 5 juillet 1938. Quarante-neuf délégués, représentant seize nations en plus du Secrétariat de la Société des Nations, de l'Institut international de Coopération intellectuelle et de la Fédération internationale de Documentation de La Haye, ont pris part à ses travaux." [Actes du Comité international des bibliothèques, v. X, p.3.]
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    Report of the Working Group on South Africa to the Executive Board of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 1990) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    "Members of the IFLA Working Group on South Africa were unanimous in their opinion that, because IFLA is an important international professional association, it is imperative that IFLA should take a strong, unequivocal public stand on: a) human rights, including freedom of expression and freedom of access to information; b) the ethics of librarianship." [Recommendation 2]