Minutes of Business Meeting II: Education and Training Section, 26 August 2022

dc.audienceAudience::Education and Training Sectionen_US
dc.contributor.authorIFLA Education and Training Section Standing Committee
dc.contributor.editorEdcation and Training Section
dc.description.abstract2. Congratulations to SET on Dynamic Unit and Impact Award (DUIA) – Albina congratulated everyone on the receipt of this award. Lisa reported on the onsite ceremony and that she has sent a digitized copy of the commendation to all members of SET SC. Lisa also commended Albina on behalf of everyone for her leadership of the Section. Albina shared that SET was awarded the award based on the work on the IFLA Guidelines work (BSLISE), the student webinar series, and the SET Training School. 3. Update from the Section Officers on SET’s participation in WLIC – Lisa shared that the committee meeting and programs had high levels of attendance and great engagement. Joan shared a photo diary she created of the events! The pictures show how lively and engaged attendees were in our sessions. 4. Brief reports and next steps on SET Action Plan Items a. BSLISE Working Group – Clara provided an update on the BSLISE activities including the program at WLIC 2022, other events, and interest in translating the guidelines into other languages.b. A Webinar Series for LIS Students – Susanne provided an update on series as well as the presentation she gave about the webinar series in Dublin at the IFLA Strategy Session on behalf of SET. c. SET Training School - Anna Maria gave overview of the success of the event and the high levels of engagement. The group was particularly appreciative that Barbara Liston, IFLA President, both spoke and also stayed to participate in a significant amount of the program.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)en_US
dc.rights.holderInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)en_US
dc.rights.licenseCC BY 4.0en_US
dc.subjectSubject::Professional Unitsen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Education and trainingen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Library and information science educationen_US
dc.titleMinutes of Business Meeting II: Education and Training Section, 26 August 2022en_US
dc.typeMinutes of Meetingsen_US
ifla.UnitUnits::Section::Education and Training Sectionen_US


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Section on Education and Training Standing Committee II Virtural Meeting 26 August 2022