Annual Report 2022-2023: Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Guidelines for CPD: Poster promoting the IFLA Guidelines for CPD was launched at the WLIC in Dublin in August 2022. The poster seeks to inspire library and information professionals globally to understand the issues of quality that need to be considered when professional learning and development activities move into the online environment. The first IFLA Guidelines for CPD poster has already been translated into 36 languages. Open Badges and Micro-Credentials in Libraries: Collaboration with IT Section, led by François-Xavier Boffy, supported by Edward Junhao Lim. 80+ registered, 62 unique viewers. Fighting back the Infodemic: CPD opportunities and initiatives for LIS professionals | 200+ registered, 99 unique viewers. Podcasts: In 2022-2023 we continued to add interesting talks to our podcast series. It is a main focus to present the podcasts in different languages with native speakers. The last year we were able to upload talks in English, Chinese/Cantonese, Korean, Arabic and Filipino. Thanks to the international membership of CPDWL SC there is more to come.
"This is How We Do It: One Professional Development Activity in the Lives of Librarians from Around the World. Details After the business meeting in August 2022 we asked our SC members and in February 2023 the Advisory group members to answer two short questions to highlight them and show, who they are and what they do. Question 1: Why are you an advisor to CPDWL and what are you working on for CPDWL Section at the moment? Question 2: What is one advice you have for new librarians interested in getting involved in IFLA or in their library associations for professional development? The answers including a picture of the person were published in our blog and other social media channels.
Subject::Continuing professional development, Subject::Workplace learning