Annual Reports


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    IFLA Annual Report 2023
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2024-09-30) International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
    IFLA's Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview on our activities throughout the preceding year.
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    Annual Report 2017-2018: Big Data SIG
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2018-08-24) Klapwijk, Wouter; IFLA Big Data SIG Committee
    The activities of the SIG during the past 12 months can be summarized into three main areas of activity: Keeping abreast with IMLS-funded data projects / Coordinate participation in information sharing events / Doing research into Library Analytics
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Evidence for Global and Disaster Health SIG
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-30) IFLA Evidence for Global and Disaster Health SIG Committee
    This Annual Report corresponds with our 2022-23 Action Plan and provides information about the fulfillment of SIG’s objectives.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: IT Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-09-19) IFLA Information Technology Standing Committee
    We held two successful AI Satellite meetings, the most recent one happening as a joint mid-term meeting in Singapore in March. Another regional AI symposium happened in South Africa in September. This work followed up on the first AI Satellite in Ireland in conjunction with WLIC 2022 and reached out to additional regions to engage more librarians on this important subject. The Communication Team led the TILT newsletter (Trends and Issues in Library Technology) with two issues published per year. The last two years they have produced thematic issues related to topics on Big Data, Agile methods, and AI. The Communication Team leads an active Facebook presence as well as a Twitter account. During conferences they coordinate live tweeting and have shown an increase in engagement with the membership. The AI symposium was held at North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa on 5 - 7 September 2023, IT Section member, Chipa Maimela reported at WLIC that the planning team was wellorganized and had lots of interest and local participation. A pre-conference site visit had been completed, and the venue was excellent. The topic of AI has shown how robust regional interest is in conferences and we can develop this as a model. We have continued collaboration with the Subject Analysis and Access Section who share an interest in AI and automating methods of working with data. This year we expanded to include partnering with the Cataloguing Section on two joint programs. We continue to work with the Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section on projects such as bringing Library Carpentry and other IT skills to the IFLA membership. The AI SIG has also begun to build partnerships with others interested in this popular topic, with joint sessions with several Sections focused on AI governance, ethics, and freedom of information.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-11-30) IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section Standing Committee
    Guidelines for CPD: Poster promoting the IFLA Guidelines for CPD was launched at the WLIC in Dublin in August 2022. The poster seeks to inspire library and information professionals globally to understand the issues of quality that need to be considered when professional learning and development activities move into the online environment. The first IFLA Guidelines for CPD poster has already been translated into 36 languages. Open Badges and Micro-Credentials in Libraries: Collaboration with IT Section, led by François-Xavier Boffy, supported by Edward Junhao Lim. 80+ registered, 62 unique viewers. Fighting back the Infodemic: CPD opportunities and initiatives for LIS professionals | 200+ registered, 99 unique viewers. Podcasts: In 2022-2023 we continued to add interesting talks to our podcast series. It is a main focus to present the podcasts in different languages with native speakers. The last year we were able to upload talks in English, Chinese/Cantonese, Korean, Arabic and Filipino. Thanks to the international membership of CPDWL SC there is more to come. "This is How We Do It: One Professional Development Activity in the Lives of Librarians from Around the World. Details After the business meeting in August 2022 we asked our SC members and in February 2023 the Advisory group members to answer two short questions to highlight them and show, who they are and what they do. Question 1: Why are you an advisor to CPDWL and what are you working on for CPDWL Section at the moment? Question 2: What is one advice you have for new librarians interested in getting involved in IFLA or in their library associations for professional development? The answers including a picture of the person were published in our blog and other social media channels.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Bibliography Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-19) IFLA Bibliography Section Standing Committee
    This report contains information about fulfilment of Section’s objectives: 1) National Bibliographic Register; 2) Common Practices for National Bibliographies in the Digital Age; 3) Satellite Meeting 2023 on Universal Bibliographic Control
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Library History Special Interest Group
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-09-11) IFLA Library History Special Interest Group
    Annual Report 2022-2023 presenting accomplishments of Library History SIG.
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    Minutes of meetings: Library History Special Interest Group, 21 August 2023
    (International Federation Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-09-11) Library History Special Interest Group Committee
    Minutes of the WLIC2023 first Business meeting on 21 August 2023 in Rotterdam and virtual. Annual report 2022-2023 and Library History SIG Satellite and Open Session introduction
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    Annual Report: 2022-2023 ISBD Review Group
    (International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-06) ISBD Review Group; Ouf, Rehab
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    Minutes of Meeting: Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section, 20 August 2023
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-06) Pun, Priscilla; IFLA Environment Sustainability and Libraries Section
    These are the minutes of the Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB) of IFLA, recorded at the meeting that took place at the WLIC in Rotterdam on 20 August, 2023.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Environment Sustainability and Libraries Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-06) Sahavirta, Harri; IFLA Environment Sustainability and Libraries Section
    This is the August 2022 - August 2023 annual report for the Environment, Sustainability and Libraries Section (ENSULIB) or IFLA. It summarises the Section's activities and achievements over the course of the year.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Social Science Libraries Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-08-01) IFLA Social Sciences Libraries Section Standing Committee
    This annual report presents a summary of accomplishments of members for the period 2022 – 2023.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Knowledge Management Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-06) Acadia, Spencer; Cervone, Frank
    This file is the 2022-2023 Annual Report for the Knowledge Management (KM) Section.
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    Annual Report 2021-2022: Knowledge Management Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-10-06) Acadia, Spencer; Cervone, Frank
    This file is the 2021-2022 Annual Report for the Knowledge Management (KM) Section.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Management and Marketing Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-09-15) IFLA Management and Marketing Section Standing Committee
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    Annual Report 2021-2022: Information Technology Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2022-09-21) IFLA Information Technology Section Standing Committee
    Creation and sponsoring of an AI SIG; Big Data SIG continuation; organization and co-organization of several satellite meetings and sessions for WLIC2022 congress.
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    Annual Report 2022-2023: Library Services to Multicultural Populations
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-08-28) IFLA Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section Standing Committee
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    2021-2022 Annual Report: School Libraries Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2022-09-22) IFLA School Libraries Section; Glass, Valérie
    The 2021-2022 the IFLA School Libraries Section report concerns the range of activities implemented, among which: the MIL Week joint initiatives (webinars with the IFLA IL Section); the efforts to get the new School Library Manifesto endorsed by IFLA and UNESCO; the promotion of the School Library Manifesto at the WLIC 2022; new joint book with the IASL on inquiry-based learning (IFLA Publication; DeGruyter Saur); the organization of the satellite meeting at the WLIC 2022; wider outreach through social media; support to advocacy activities, inlcuding the Italian school library advocacy campaign "La biblioteca scolastica si presenta" (i.e. The School Library Introduces Itself).
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    Annual Report 2021-2022: Acquisition and Collection Development Section
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2023-07-22) IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Section Standing Committee
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    Annual Report 2018-2019: Advisory Committee on Standards
    (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 2019-10-31) IFLA Advisory Committee on Standards
    The report contains information about fulfillment of the Committee’s objectives: 1) Revise the IFLA Standards Manual; 2) Co-ordinate the maintenance, storage and access for all IFLA standards; 3) Promote approved standards to both IFLA members and non-members; 4) Standardize the appointment of liaison representatives to the Committee on Standards.