IFLA/UNESCO 多文化図書館宣言-実行キット

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


This toolkit was developed to give practical approaches on how libraries can apply the concepts in the Manifesto. Similar to the hard work dedicated to writing the Manifesto, the section began in 2012 to work rigorously on the development of the toolkit. The IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto Toolkit was launched at the 2014 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Lyon, France to a large audience of conference attendees anxious to have a toolkit to assist libraries in planning, applying, and sustaining the principles and actions described in the Manifesto. In December 2018 the section reviewed the toolkit and translated it into Chinese. Since then, we have added translations into Japanese (July 2019), Russian (February 2020) and Spanish (July 2020). The final English version was reviewed and updated by Section Member Le Yang and Nicholas Demetriades.



Subject::Library services to multicultural populations, Subject::Multicultural populations, Subject::Linguistic diversity, Subject::Linguistic heritage, Subject::Equal access, Subject::UNESCO
