IFLA Communications 1992 : A Bibliography of IFLA Conference Papers

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


Bibliography of papers and reports presented at IFLA meetings and seminars covering the 58th General Conference meetings, as well as other IFLA meetings and seminars held during 1992. The bibliography is divided into two parts: 1) General Conference, Workshops and Pre-Session Seminar: In Part 1 the entries are grouped together first by Division, then by Section and Round Table. They are listed alphabetically by author or anonymous title. Papers delivered at joint meetings are entered under one of the Divisions or Sections with cross-references (by author, title and code number) from the other. Papers given in conference workshops (indicated in the code number by "(WS)" ) are listed under the heading of the IFLA professional group(s) which organized the meeting. 2) Other meetings: Part 2 is a record of papers delivered at satellite meetings (i.e. meetings held outside the session of the General Conference and throughout the year), subdivided alphabetically by names of the authors and listed in the sequence of acronyms of the Sections responsible for the organization of the meetings. Those papers have not been given a code number.



World Library and Information Congress, Bibliography, Library and information history, Non-governmental organizations


IFLA Communications 1992: A Bibliography of IFLA Conference Papers. Compiled by IFLA Headquarters. - The Hague : IFLA Headquarters, 1993. 40 p.; 21 cm. - (IFLA Professional Reports : 36)
