Mental Health Bridges – enabling health literacy skills for people with mental health issues. An online tool created collaboratively by librarians and mental health professionals
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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
This poster describes how an interdisciplinary team designed, launched, and maintains a website
( that advances the World Health Organization (WHO) mandate to reduce
health iniquities through health literacy promotion. The prevalence of mental illness world-wide is
10.7% (Ritchie 2020). Persons with mental illness die 25 years earlier that those in the general
population, often due to co-morbidities, demonstrating the need for health literacy education in this
population (Parks 2006). Funded by a grant from the US National Library of Medicine, this interactive
training tool was designed following a) an extensive literature search to understand how persons with
mental illness use the Internet, b) data collection via focus groups of patients, librarians, and mental
health professionals and c), a survey geared to the latter group. The site was launched in 2023 and aims
to engage and inspire individuals in learning health literacy skills through a variety of interactive features
tailored to this population. To maintain sustainability, next steps include the creation of an international
advisory board comprised of professionals and individuals with lived experience. As content continues
to be added, translation of the site into different languages will be a priority so to engage people within
a variety of cultures.
Subject::Health literacy, Subject::Mental health, Subject::Health information professionals, Subject::Health librarians, Subject::Collaboration