Guidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of component parts

dc.audienceAudience::Serials and Other Continuing Resources Sectionen_US
dc.audienceAudience::Cataloguing Sectionen_US
dc.contributor.authorIFLA Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Analytic Entries 1978-83
dc.contributor.authorIFLA Ad Hoc Working Group on Guidelines for the Description of Component Parts 1985-87
dc.description.abstractThe publication of the Guidelines for the Application of the ISBDs to the Description of Component Partsmarks the completion of a long and complex effort to establish an internationally accepted framework for the description of items such as journal articles, chapters and other parts of monographs, individual tracks on sound recordings, and other types of “works within works”. From the outset it was recognized that achieving acceptance of such a framework would be difficult, particularly inasmuch as the potential implementors are divided between two communities that over time have established rather different practices and traditions with respect to bibliographic description: the library community, on the one hand, with its cataloguing tradition; and, on the other, the abstracting and indexing community with its citation practices. Although the initiative was taken by the library community, through IFLA, and was conceived within the overall programme for the development of International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), it was acknowledged that the requirements and constraints of the abstracting and indexing community would have to be addressed in parallel with those of the library community in order to ensure that the resulting framework would meet the objective of providing the necessary bridge between the descriptions formulated in the two communities.en_US
dc.publisherIFLA UBCIM Programmeen_US
dc.rights.holderInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)en_US
dc.subjectSubject::Cataloguing standardsen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Bibliographic dataen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Bibliographic controlen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Library and information standardsen_US
dc.subjectSubject::Bibliographic descriptionen_US
dc.titleGuidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of component partsen_US
ifla.UnitUnits::Section::Serials and Other Continuing Resources Sectionen_US
ifla.UnitUnits::Section::Cataloguing Sectionen_US


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Guidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of component parts