Minutes of Meetings: Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section, 05 September 2024

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International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA)


The DDRS Standing Committee met on the 5th of September 2024 and discussed the latest udates on the action plan: the ILDS Conference planning is on the right track in terms of papers, logistics, website, social programs, sponsors, etc. The next plan is the outreach and encouraging more people to register to the conference to be held in Baku Azerbaijan on December 2-4, 2024. The 3rd webinar series was held on the 29th of August for the Spanish speaking countries , and it talked about the Copyright with 2 speakers one Mexican and another Portugese. The RSCVD group were busy preparing webinars for Indian and Santander on the 10th and 16 of Septebmer. Notes from the Division F business meeting was held on August 29th were shared by the chair of DDRS where more collaboration with various groups was obeserved.



Document delivery, Interlibrary loans, Professional Units
