How can academic librarians contribute to the development of SDGs: Awareness-raising activities with librarians in Turkey

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International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)


Why we do? Libraries around the world can offer a wide range of products and services that promote the achievement of each and every one of the SDGs. We aim to raise awareness about SDG targets in Turkey through academic librarians. What we do? We are aimed to reveal the studies that can be carried out within the framework of SDG by considering the roles of Libraries. An action plan was developed with the University and Research Librarians' Association, one of the professional associations aiming to improve academic library services in Turkey, in order to raise public awareness in line with the SDG targets. The first step of the action plan is to raise awareness of librarians through a training program on SDGs. The next step is to reach the audience that librarians serve, and make the SDGs real in society. Steps to be taken in this process; (I) Organizing events, (II) Sharing social media posts and preparing guidelines for SDGs, (III) Creating web pages and open course resources, (IV) Improve cooperation between libraries and decision-makers, (V) Develop policy aimed at achieving the SDGs at the national level, (VI) Engaging in international organizations. What did we achieve? Firstly, webinar were organized the topic of the Sustainable Development Goals and Libraries. Before first webinar a survey about SDG was sent to all librarians. The views and awareness levels of librarians in Turkey about SDG were determined. 42 people participated in the survey. According to the result; - 83% have knowledge of the SDGs, - 98% think that libraries should take an active role in the process of reaching the SDG, - 34% have experience working on SDG, - Nearly all think libraries are most important in achieving the SDG4 goal Secondly, we are developing the "Library Sector" web page platform. Through this website we will obtain data on the work of libraries under the SDGs. At the same time, we are trying to create a national network on this issue. Finally, Achieving SDG targets for a sustainable world is one of the current developments that affect all societies. Libraries are very important stakeholders in the process of achieving the SDG target. We think that librarians will create awareness in society by transferring the right information in the most appropriate way and will be a source of inspiration in the process of achieving the SDG goals.



Subject::UN Sustainable Development Goals, Subject::Academic and research libraries, Subject::Society
